Thursday, 19 December 2013

Stay dedicated, its not going to happen overnight

Phil and I have been working together on my fitness for just over a year now and this week I reached a personal goal. 100kg deadlift sets. (thats 15.75 stone in old money)

Why is this a milestone? Well I only weight 86kg so this almost 20% over my bodyweight and deadlifts engage almost all your body. Posture is vital, your core is tested.

I remember my first few days in hospital immediately after my operation. I remember having to have physio. You wouldn't think that after an op to remove my bowel that id need physio, well neither did I. The trauma/incisions to my stomach meant I was taking short breaths. Protecting my wounds apparently. 

I didnt know at the time but would also later find out I had some nerve damage in my upper legs. Hypersensitivity. Something I still have to this day. That and recovering from an 8 hour operation meant I had no energy, no strength, even sitting up was a challenge!

Anyway, after a few days of recovery and blood transfusions, I remember being told I needed to be able to walk up 2 flights of stairs before I could go home. 2 flights, easy!! Hell no!! I was out of breath and in pain before I even reached the stairs.

I remember that night laying in bed and simply thinking enough is enough. I got out of bed and dragged my sorry arse around the ward, trying to build up some strength. It wasnt easy, I had to teach myself to breath properly again.

Ironic really as during my strength training over the last few months breathing has been key. Deep breaths before excursion keeps my core tight and technique solid.

Back then I struggled to make those stairs, now Im squating 70kg, deadlifting 100kg, running 10km obstacle races. Wow talk about opposite ends of the spectrum. Just confirms if you want something (and I mean really want something) with time, patience and persistance anything is possible.

Strong mind, strong body ; )

Monday, 9 December 2013


So I havent posted for a few weeks now. It isn't not that I dont have anything to say or that nothing has happened, its actually the opposite!

The last few weeks have been very busy. I have finished the blog for Clinimed, started drafting some new blogs about life with a stoma and training is going well, oh and of course trying to still have time for my family! Its the time of the year when personal time is at a premium.

The one thing that I am doing at the moment is Decembeard. It is kinda like Movember but with full facial hair :) It for bowel cancer awareness so having an itchy face (especially my neck!!) and looking a bit trampy is a small price to pay.e As you can see below..progressing nicely.

Bowel Cancer awareness is something something I am very passionate about. especially over the last few months and already activities planned to accelerate this in  2014 ;)

Bowel Cancer is the UK's 2nd biggest cancer killer and 4th most common form of cancer. One person ever 13 minutes is diagnosed with bowel cancer and it claimed almost 16,000 people last year.

Examples of some shocking statistics right?

All my friends and family gave so much but if anyone wants to my extended just giving page is below : )

Friday, 22 November 2013

Discipline is the bridge between goals and success

How true. Been a tough week didnt get to gym much even though I had every good intention.

Gym session 6 o'clock Thursday. It was cold, dark and wet, and I was shattered!! I was inches away from cancelling. I dragged my sorry ass to the gym and sat in the car. By this stage it was nice and warm. I nearly just curled up in the drivers seat and slept ; )

Luckily or unluckily (wasnt sure at the time) I had a session with Phil. So now excuses on I went.

We have been working on my squats the last few sessions trying to work on my lazy gluts ; ) Today was deadlifts. Warm up felt good as did first set. Then we started adding weight. I was managing sets of 8 with 86kg (bar=36 +50kg weights) Thats almost damn it my body weight!!!

God it felt good! I think Phil could see as when we finished what was usually the last set he made me push out another set. I walked away with legs like jelly but head held high with pride.

It may not sound like much but this is a milestone Ive secretly had for a while. From what ive read this is a good sign you training is going well. I needed this buzz because next was pull ups : (

We used a tension band to assist but they are still a PIG!! Finished the session with barely enough energy to make it back to the car!

Not the most exciting story but I wanted to share it as the title of this blog is spot on. I have my goals, some I share, some are personal. These are my dreams my ambitions but regardless of what you want to achieve, dedication when the going is tough is the only way to succeed.

Never give up, realise your dreams.

Wednesday, 20 November 2013

2013 really is shaping up to be an awesome year!

Recent events have started making me pay attention to the concept of 'Karma'. Buddhists believe that whatever you do comes back to you, e.g. if you do something good, something good will happen to you, and vice versa. Simplified Good things always seem to happen to good people? A bit of a stretch I know, but recent events seem to suggest the existence of Karma.

As you should know the reason for starting this blog, apart from a strange type of theorapy for me, was to hopefully help others. Sharing the highs and lows of my life. I use the word help loosely as I not sure what a few words on a random blog can really do to help. Perhaps its more to give people hope, a light at the end of the tunnel. Guess Ill never really know if they do but so far responses have been very positive.

Anyway, since becoming involved with Beating Bowel Cancer charity and starting this blog things have really taken off. I have just submitted my first draft of a blog/review that will hopefully be used by one my appliance/stoma bag supplier. Im working on another couple for them and they have asked that one of them is a brief story and link to this blog. so hopefully some of my rambling may be of interest to other ostomists??

Ive been fortunate enough to have my story briefly highlighted in the local news. Beating Bowel Cancer assure me that this will raise awareness and this is half the battle. Im also awaiting confirmation but one of my pics is going to be used on the cover of their 2014 patient open day and a possible article in their 2014 patient magazine!!

Throughout Im being told by friends and people I've never really met that all these things are inspirational? Yes its 15mins of fame and of course its good for my ego. Whose EGO wouldn't like being told positive things. Well recent activities have been less about me and more about others. Im not asking for anything back. Im lovin my life at the moment and it does give me an enourmous sense of wellbeing It also forces me to keep up the madness, keep up the training as now I have others Id let down. Kinda like the sponsorship I received for Lactic. I had 810 reasons why I couldn't quit half way around. Why I had to finish the race ;)

This weekend we took my son as a family to Butlins to see the WWE Live tour. Jack is obsessed with the WWE. even as I type this blog he is sat at the table drawing a wrestling match with the biggest smile in his voice. Trust me he loves everything about the WWE. This weekend was a surprise. He knew we were going Butlins but it was halfway into the journey that we told him. One happy little boy to even see them Live.

When we checked in we were told that with merchandise purchased from the WWE shop their were 150 GOLDEN TICKETS, you know kinda like Willy Wonka ;). These tickets would admit the lucky winner to meet one of the WWE Superstars in person. It was also Daniel Bryan..Jacks favourite Superstar!

We didn't pay much attention as there were over 5000 people at the event this weekend. We got to our room then decided to go buy our t-shirts ready for Saturday night. Beat the queue. We went a little mad and bought a t-shirt each as well as a programme, spending a little more than we intended. As we walked away the vendor gave us a cheeky smile and mentioned a surprise. We opened the programme and a golden ticket fell out. Jack was going to meet his favourite WWE Superstar.

I think he was a little star struck but he didnt stop smiling the whole day :)

Maybe its just luck, maybe coincidence, maybe it is Karma? To be honest we will never know but I like to think Karma had a part to play ;)

This weekends has reminded me of one of the most important parts of my life, my family. They have been with me through the bad times and the worse times. This blog was started for all the reasons above to share the positives of life after Cancer, life with a stoma. Well they are my life and it doesnt get much better than this weekend. Another happy moment to add to an awesome 2013

Thursday, 14 November 2013

The average persons is confronted by an obstacle and turns away believing they cannot overcome....Apparently I'm not average ;) its been a few days since my last post. Probably the longest gap between posts. Dont worry ive not run out of things to talk about...actually totally the opposite!

Things have been a little hectic. Whilst trying to juggle work, family life, training Ive also been asked to write some guest blogs for my stoma supplier! Plus alot of activity for with beating bowel cancer charity. So many positives I almost cant believe it!!

That said I do feel a little lost as I now dont have an event to work towards. The next one isnt until March 2014!! But cumon, dont think ill be able to wait that long ; )
Infact as Ive been writting this seems like Im gonna sign up to Mud and Madness in February :)

Things are really starting to develop. I guess these blogs may be the reason why. In May I ran my first race and raised over £800 for beating bowel cancer. Well ive remained in touch with them. The messages from them have actually been really motivational. Well as you might of seen on facebook looks like one of my pictures from nuts challenge is going to be used for cover of their patients day leaflet. Hopefully in the next few days an article should be in the Thurrock Gazette telling my story and hopefully promoting awareness, promoting this blog and you never know, maybe raise a few donations ; )

More than I could've dreamed of. Im really honoured I have honestly never really thought of my story, my life over the last 6 years as inspirational! Still find it hard to say it ; )

Well I must be doing something right. In addition I may also have an article in their 2014 patient magazine. In a weird way its actually pushing me to train harder, keeping up with this blog and keep entering these OCR events.

Raising awareness is something incredibly important to me. I knew nothing about the symptoms of bowel cancer or what the hell a stoma was. Since day 1 I have tried to be open about everything. It was a coping mechanism.  A way for me to come to terms with everything. At the time I didn't know it but it was actually doing more than I realised. 

A good friend was also struck with bowel cancer shortly after me. His battle with cancer was tough. Unfortunatley he finnaly lost his battle with cancer a few years ago. It was only recently that I was told he admired me? The way I was coping?  If only he knew how he has inspired me.

If my story helps one person, educates someone about the symptons of bowel now how could that not be an inspiration for me to continue??

Anyway, im not sure where this journey is going to take me in 2014. All I do know is being told how my story can hopefully inspire others, help raise awareness, thats whats will continue to drag my arse out of bed. Thats what will get me to the gym when I just want to roll over and go back to sleep. That is what will continue to help me push boundaries. 2013 was all about doing things for me, my own sense of achievement. 2014 is going to be the year I hopefully start to give something back.

Tuesday, 5 November 2013

Feel good while ya running and even better when you finish

Well Lactic fallout is just another event in my 2013 calender. what an event it was!

I am still carrying a small niggle in my right leg left since the legendary Blackout cramp so at 10.30am I set off cautiously. Very quickly although Fallout was not the toughest race this year it definately tooks gold for the coldest and by far the muddiest.
The course was different from my previous Nuclear race events (rush and blackout).  My old friend the monkey bars were still there but im a seasoned pro at getting across these now so was happy to see them again;) The rest of the course took some new twists and turns but still felt like familiar ground.

The weather on the lead up to race day was wet...damn wet! This resulted in some of the thickest mud ive crawled through this year. After a few hundred people had finished climbing out of the ditches etc the banks became seriously slippery. Nuclear races do love their river crossings and watery ditches and Fallout didnt dissapoint ; ) The water was so cold that for a few minutes after you could barely feel your legs. Being this wet combined with the wind chill meant you really felt it to your bones.

During the lead up Nuclear races had posted some pictures of some new obstacles. One adversary I hadn't faced yet was the dreaded wall! A simple obstacle but think about the additional challenge this presented. Most people launch themselves up and drag themselves over the top on their stomachs. Not so easy with a stoma! As it turned out they had deployed 2 of these 8ft(ish) walls to traverse. With boots covered in mud and soaking wet this made these walls challenging.

I had been running with Simon Fowler. I met Simon at Blackout and we had struck up quite a friendship on facebook after the event. As we approached the first wall I looked at Simon and said 'Im not sure Im gonna make this obstacle' Every race so far I had never missed a single obstacle but as I approached the wall I feared this obstacle mayve been too much.. I owe Simon, he just looked at me and offered to give me a boost. Adding 'step on my shoulder if you need to'. With his help I found myself sitting on top of the first wall with some ease. God it felt good! Getting down wasnt as easy as you may think but returning to the muddy ground gave me a real sense of achievement. I stepped back around the obstacle and returned the favour to Simon (wearing the yellow top in the pic below)and a few other runners.

Thats what I really love about these events. everyone is there to have fun and if anyone struggles with an obstacle it isnt long until a helping hand is there to boost, pull or push you.

The first few miles dissapeared fairly quickly as did the obstacles but for some reason the last 3 seemed to go on forever! Its not until I actually review the pictures posted by others that I remember all of them. I really do need to invest in that waterproof head cam.
Xmas present hint ; )

We emerged from the forest to see the finish line and the final obstacle. A narrow crawl through mud that was incredibly snug. Seriously tight and muddy!!

These runs are starting to become easier. Guess that means ive got to think a bit madder for 2014? Well ive finalised my place in The Thunder Run...ill update you all soon. ; )
Overall another fun Nuclear race

Sunday, 3 November 2013

Lactic Fallout today is Fallout  The rain and wind will make the course a challenge.
Well short post as I need to get ready.
See you on the other side ; )

Wednesday, 30 October 2013

Lactic Round 3!!

Wel in a few short days I will be competing in another Nuclear Lactic race. Lactic Fallout!!
There races will always have a special place as Rush was my first obstacle race.

Whilst I continue to train I reflect on how far I have progressed in just over a year. Damn alot has changed!

Over 3 inches on my waist, 10kg (ish) Im holding my own in the gym with proper workouts. Ok so tge weight isnt tge heaviest but thats not my aim. We are going for lean definition. I trust Phil implicitly and I know he will help me hit this goal. My diet is varied but still better than it ever has been. Surprisingly this is actually the hardest part of my training. Eating badly is so easy!!! ; )

A year ago a training warm up session and a shory 1.8km run and I was destroyed!!

Lactic Rush was the first obstacle race I had competed in. I had no idea what to expect. Nievity really is bliss. Im probably more nervous now as I know what to expect!

That said it was alot of fun and the race that really kick started 2013 for me. Lactic taught me to continue pushing the boundaries. I have achieved more in the last 12 months than I ever felt possible.

Well on Nov 3rd I continue to push my boundaries. After the rain and storms this week the mud is going to be EPIC!! Wish me luck : )

Friday, 25 October 2013

Back to the trenches...with visual aids ; )

Well finnaly got the pics for Back to The Trenches. Whenever I see these pics they always bring back so many memories.
I think im going to add some blogs and pics of lactic and Nuts as they were both significant parts of my 2013 event calender. Plus pics can often do a better  job at describing the cahllenges than my words ever could!!

Well enjoy and defo not the last trenches race as already got a friend joining me in Marcg 2014  Time to get training Alan Cottle ; )

Monday, 21 October 2013

Back from The Trenches.....

Back from the Trenches and back to normality today, still reflecting on Saturdays event. It was definately alot of fun but not really the toughest event of my 2013 calendar. I had felt a sense of achievement after all my events, but this was...different?

Perhaps it was the weather making the obstacles more challenging?
The river crossing was the most memorable, just due to the tempurature of the water! A number of runners had to be rescued or once entering the icy depths immediately retreted to the jetty. I must admit by half way across as I started struggling to catch my breath in the cold, I did think they had the right idea.

The running element was a mixture of paths and steep and slippy hill climbs and descents. One of which got the better of myself and a few other competitors. We ended up sliding into each other on a rather steep decent. This resulted in a rather embarrissing 'man sandwhich' with the gentleman and lady infront of me. Good job everyone is in good spirtis at these events ;)

Was it the fire jumps? But they were more asthetic than challenging. They will hopefully make a good picture as a course photographer was cleverly placed at this obstacle.

Perhaps conquering the electrical fence? I had been anxious about this one for a week or so before the event. To be honest, this also wasnt as challenging as I feared. With a slow and cuatious approach I managed to negotiate without a single jolt! Glad I did as some of my fellow runners did seem to get a few nasty zaps!!!!

Whilst preparing to write this blog and as typing away I think I now know why I'm felling the way I am. Hopefully I can explain. The worse part of the entire event was the 15 min walk from the car park to the start/finish of the race. Unfortuntaly this was a solo event and a bit last minute so no cheerleaders this time.. I wasnt sure if there was a secure bag drop so I left my change of clothes in the car. At the end of the race as I was wet, muddy and therefore getting a little cold I took off my top and walked back to the car shirtless.

The multiple times I had crawled and waded through mud had also left a nice gritty feel in all my clothing. I wear high wasted lycra boxers that come up over my bag, securing and hiding it. On the way back I rolled the waist down and with my finishers medal around my neck proudly walked to the car with my bag clearly on display.

Yes, I got a few funny looks. Despite all the training Im no adonis (yet) ;) This is the first time I have been anywhere in public with my bag on full display. It actually felt good as it was clear that I had just completed the event (the medal and the fact I was covered in mud were a good indicator)

Its taken 6 nearly 7 years and 4 events over 12 months in the gym to gain this level of body confidence, and you know walking back the the car wearing my medal and bag with felt good!!

Sunday, 20 October 2013

Saturday 19th - The Big Push

This marked my 4th cross country obstacle race.
I have trained this week with a niggle, Physical and mental. Blackout did more damage than I realised. My right knee was still tight and after a few runs if 5-6k it still hurt. Not great leading up to this 6k event ; )

I also knew that one of the obstacles would be an 'electrical' obstacle. is full of mixed reviews about  these types of obstacle. I wasnt sure how this type of obstacle would challenge my stoma.

I didnt even know how how this obstacle would manifest itself! Tough Mudder was a gauntlet of wires waiting for you to run or crawl through...all I knew is this obstacle was called 'The Spiders Web'.... Mysterious right ; )

Well I'm pleased to say today im a little achy but nothing serious. Seriously cold water, very slippery muddy hill climbs and descents, fire jumps and a cautious negotiation of the Spiders Web meant that Back 2 Trenches was actually a really fun event....

Waiting for some offiicial photos as this was a solo event and ill post a bit more of a review ; )

Thursday, 17 October 2013


Now hoes this for irony. After posting a blog yesterday about stoma challenges I wake up today with a stomach pain. Not the first time ive had this pain. I knew what this was. A blockage!!

Imagine whats left of my intestine as a hose pipe. Turn the water on. Now kink the imagine that inside your stomach.  Thats the general idea of a blockage ; )

They can occur for a number of reasons. As I now have a bit of extra space it can just kink, certain foods digest poorly or the most common for me...not chewing my food properly!

Think I read somewhere your supposed to chew each bite 20 times? Who has time to do that! Anyway poorly chewed food was probably the cause of this blockage.

To use the hose pipe analogy by eating Id be increasing the pressure in the kink. To try and help the digestive system tries to flush with fluid. This comes with its own challenges. These blackages can be really painful. Sickness and an extreme discomfot arent unusual.

Another weird side effect is phantom toilet pains. Our bodies are hard wired to function in a certain way. Well when something is disconnected or missing the body is hard wired to think its still there. I guess its similar to phantom feelings in a lost limb. My digestive system doesnt realise its not connected anymore. So during these cramps I also get phantom toilet pains. My remaining rectal stump spasms. Its a little weird and slightly uncomfortable.

When you think about it its a testament that the human body that it can function with key organs removed.

Well today I lucked out. Some peppermint tea and 5 hours of sleep seem to of helped. Not the first time thus has happened and sure it will not be the last...

Wednesday, 16 October 2013

Its often the little things that you miss.......

We have always tried to read Jack a story at betime. Infact he has quite a collection and some are a little strange. The Dinosaur that poop'd Christmas is an especially strange but that is another story.

Whilst reading one of Jacks favourites 'Pooh is that you Berite' (a follow up book to Dirty Bertie) another good read. Blimey not sure if i am writing a blog about my life or starting to write reviews of childrens books?? ;)

Anyway the book is basically about farting. How Bertie farts in inappropriate places and is told off for it. Then how the people who tell him off also fart but disguise it. Trust me the book is funnier than my terrible overview.

Well this got me thinking whilst telling people about my story I have always tried to be open and honest about having a stoma. The good, the bad and the unusual. Well one thing that having a stoma does effect is the ability to fart! Yes you may smile but as my digestive system is not connected in the usual way this is an impossible task. I would trade alot to be able to pass wind again ;)

My stoma does pass wind but not with the same satifaction you get for the traditional way. I have no control of the output and gas comes with its own challenges of an inflated bag! I can hold my own with the best of you reagrding 'smell' On occassions releasing air from the bag or 'gassing' can be quite bungent.

I'm not going to go into detail about some of the more graphic of issues my operation and stoma present, just trust me that some of them do take some getting used to.

Throughout this blog I have been/will be aiming to raise awareness about many of the challenges faced by Ostomists. But also that the limitations do not stop us, they just mean we need to adapt, to evolve. A rather unusual post I know but just another insight into the world of an ostomist.

As with everything in life its often the little things we miss.

Its a long road....

Like most people certain days provide more of a challenge. Money, work, family, relationships. All of the above?? I just have some unique ostomy challenges.

When its a 'low' day I have to work even harder. Some days even getting out of bed is tough. Dealing with my stoma when im in a slump (which usually means its playing up too) is often too much.

Yes I am different, but different isnt always bad. The bag and ileostomy remind me of my "difference" every day. So I dont need reminding by anything else. I hate to be treated different. Perhaps just some understanding on the tougher days ; )

It probably stems from when I finally got home from hospital and I was in recovery mode. I promised myself I wouldn't let this beat me. I would never quit...EVER!

So when my stoma decides it doesnt want to play armour goes into overload. We all have armour, a mask of sorts, its like a shield we put up to prevent others from seeing what emotional state we are really in. Took a few counselling sessions to realise but apparently my shield is good. Perhaps too good ; )

For me the biggest challenge of having a stoma isnt the the physical. For me it's the psychological. Yes its vanity, but the bag always seem to be protrude. Most people tell me it doesnt show. Well I know its there so it always seems to. I find myslf constantly fiddling and checking the bag. Over the years I have had a few nasty leaks and a few near misses so I guess this is mostly just paranoia

Its no secret I have a stoma/bag so why all the trouble to hide it??
Not really sure, being 'normal' and normality just sounds a little dramatic. Over the last few months I have met people who are happy to be seen with their bag on show. On holiday, whilst wearing swimming costumes etc. Im not at that stage yet. I can talk about it, write about it but when it comes to people outside my close circle seeing it....just not comfortable.

Perhaps writing this bog is helping me criss this barrier..guess no matter how far ive come, always further to go.

Saturday, 12 October 2013

Nemesis: An opponent that cannot be beaten or overcome

Todays session with Phil was full of surprises. It included my first deadlift session. I had been concerned since I saw this in my new regieme. My concern was that this excercise would strain my core too much. As always Phil was spot on. Getting the technique right was key. Dont get me wrong still defo engaged my core just not straining it. ; )

Technique still isnt perfect but managed to push out the sets. The final 2 sets at 75kg. Wasnt until I finished I realised this was only 10kg off my body weight!
Phil reassured me that if we were doing less reps and sets I would easily be lifting over my body weight. Made me feel good
: )

Surprisingly actually finished the deadlifts feeling kinda good.  Then superset... pull ups and military presses.

Pull ups are the one excercise I have always wanted to do. Yes they are flashy, but since I saw Phil perform level 2 (I think) M.E.T. pull ups and ladder pull ups (not sure on exact name but sounds good to me) They have always been a secret ambition of mine. They look so easy yet are so difficult to master. And now it was in one of my workout sets and I had to do 3 sets of 8??????

Well cant say I wasnt dissapointed,  but as expected couldn't really nail em. Used a box assist and they became a little easier. And trust me after that completing 3 sets of military presses were tough!

I had finnaly met my nemesis..............THE PULL UP!!!  

Got a feeling this will not be the last blog about my battle with pull ups.

The best thing about having a nemesis is the drive to defeat it......

Tuesday, 8 October 2013

Ice, Ice Baby!!

So I do not class myself as an athlete. However, with my new training regieme and the events i have completed over the last few months my body is definately feeling the strain.

For those that have read my Nuclear Blackout review you will know that this was my toughest yet made even harder by an intense cramp after 12k.

So what exactly is cramp
cramp = muscle paralysis: temporary loss of function in a muscle or muscle group caused by repetitive use or overexertion ( thanks wikepedia )

I think Nuclear Blackout & 15k in the dark qualified as over exertion. Its been 2 weeks since a run so on Sunday I geared up and set off at a steady speed. First few km were ok. As I neared the 5k mark the forest hills started to take their toll. 

Perhaps this was the mistake? Perhaps I should of just stuck to a road run. Problem is if it isnt off road it just doesnt feel the same. So ended up pulling short of 6k. My right leg and knee just started to niggle. As I had said before we have to listen to our bodies. :)

Thankfully I had already booked myself in for Sport massage. Timing was ideal. Although I cant say it was relaxing as it was actually quite painful! Emma (the sports therapist) warned that as she had worked the muscle quite hard, it could bruise.....It did :(

She also ICE BATH!!!

So After dinner I ran the bath with nothing but the cold tap. God it was cold. The type of cold that just takes your breath away. with whatever dignity I could I lowered myself into the bath. Much to my wifes amuesement as she looked on.

I sat in the bath for about 10mins. I then immediately got into a hot shower. My legs were then overcome with...well the only way I can describe it is pins and needles. Not the painful type you get when your leg goes to sleep, but a very strange sensation.Actually thinking about Iit, it was more like having a shower after too much sun ; )

I woke up this morning and legs felt good. Well apart from the pain from the bruising. Managed to get a new conditioning workout done this morning. Fortunatley not too much leg work.

I have another ice bath planned tonigh, rest day Wednesda, then......

The new version of marmite Workout B!!!

Monday, 7 October 2013

Im back!!!!!

Its been 2 weeks since blackout with a week of no training and a few 'duff' PT sessions.  Well Saturday morning I met Phil at the gym. Must admit I was a little anxious.

Warm up went well. Then was time to get in the squat rack. A quuck set with just the 20kg bar felt good. We added 2 x 15kg and a pushed out another set  Started to feel good!

We both looked at each other and added some more weight. To be honest not a clue what we added think another 5kg each side? (60kg in total!) I Managed to push out the final sets without too much bother. Walked out of the squat rack feeling kinda good ; )

We then moved onto pulls. Now these felt good. By the second set we had moved the weight up to virtually the full stack!!!

Yes..I ache today my gluts and shoulders feel the workout...but I dont care. First time in 2 weeks I feel that not only have I got back to where I was...I think I pushed past it.

Im back!!!!

Saturday, 5 October 2013

My partner in crime

First stage of training for any of my obstacle races..  cleaning my beloved trail shoes ; )

Friday, 4 October 2013

Is it all sunshine and rainbows??

So hopefully if you have read my previous blogs you will now know what a stoma actually is. Well someone suggested I share a little more about my experience.

When I was told I had Cancer believe it or not this was actually easier to deal with than being told to fix it I would have a stoma! Weird right? The disease that could've killed me didnt scare me as much as the soltion that ultimately cured me??

In the few weeks between being told what a stoma was and my operation I made the horrible mistake of 'googling' what a stoma looked like. I DO NOT recommend this! The internet is only full of pics of operations gone wrong, complications etc. I think this will be one of the main reason why for the few days before my operation I recall vivid knightmares and waking up in a sweat screaming... get it off,. get it off!

On the day of my operation things didnt go smoothly either. My operation ended being longer than anticipated due to some complications. I can only imagine the stress this put my wife, mum and step dad through. It all stared with an epidural that just wouldnt work.

For those lucky enough to of had this experience while fully awake they place a small needle into your spine. The guy doing mine mustve been a trainee as the first attempt sent a shooting pain in my kidney, the second my right arm before they finnaly gave up an sedated me. Unfortunatly due to the complications the incision was made higher than anticipated so the pain relief didnt exactly cover that area. I was highly drugged but even now I recall flashes of the recovery room and pain, lots of pain!

As I was nil by mouth for most of the time I was in hospital and for people following my blog I lived on Rice Crispies. It therefore wasn’t till I was at home before having to deal with the stoma and my new digestive system really took effect.

With a lack of large intestine the output was/can be very smelly and a very liquid consistency. The large intestine is responsible for extracting water from our diets. This is also the reason Ostomist must be aware of dehydration. Well embarrassingly this smell was more than I could handle and although I can laugh at it now the first few days I emptied and changed the bag with a clothes peg on my nose ; )

The design of the stoma bags allows you to empty them as they fill. Many people do not realise I have no control on output. It ultimately happens when the limited space I have is filled. This often means that food can be passed through my system rather quickly. The bag has a finite capacity and can also fill quickly.

Changing the appliance (bag) is required daily and this is in my experience the biggest challenge to overcome. Seeing part of your insides on the outside is a bit on a mind f**k.

Reading this honest account of my first few weeks with a stoma may scare people. Don’t let it!

It took me a number of months and some counselling till I realised that my stoma was/is actually not only responsible for saving my life but also in its own way making it better.

Yes I would be lying if I said it was all rainbows and sunshine as I still have my low days. However, 6.5 years after my Stoma Op I am fitter than I have ever been in my life. My aim is by end of 2013 to complete 7 challenging 6k+ cross country obstacle events. These each push my physical boundaries. Even possibly the physical expectations of an Ostomist.

Whilst pushing myself to overcome my physical challenges it has also made me mentally strong. I owe allot to this weird little appendage and bag!

I have a 5 year old son, a job I love, a good circle of friends, a wife that has been with me as my rock every step of the way..... life is good thanks in part to this weird little appendage.

Thursday, 3 October 2013

The madness continues.....

After the challenge of Nuclear Blackout you might think I have learned my lesson? Afriad not I am more determined than ever to make 2013 the year I COMPETE!!!!!

So after some conversations with the organisor, I am now signed up to Back 2 The Trenches. I signed up for the 6k run. I have been told it will consist of usual mud madness with river runs hill climbs etc. However, this course will have the new and added challenge of an electrical obstacle known as 'The Spiders Web'!

Ill be honest Im absolutely bricking it at the throught of this one obstacle. Id actually rather run Blackout again!

I will try and post on my lead up to the race and then hopefully (if I survice) another review.

Did I mention one of the obstacles includes fire?? What doesnt kill us makes us stronger...right? ;)

Sunday, 29 September 2013

Food = fuel

From the last post you can see that my last gym session really struggled. Blackout mustve taken more out of me than I realised!!

A big part of training is diet. Ive read somewhere that this can be more important than the training itself. Guess this makes sense if you think of the body as a machine. Put the wrong fuel in and you risk the machine not working properly and possible damage.

Think this may be a reason for my extended recovery.  As an ostomist I have the added challenge that I have a large part if my digestive system missing.

Based on this Phil has helped me and made some diet suggestions.  It all focuses on eating the right foods, but importantly at the right times. After excercise for example woukd requure different fuel compared to a rest day. It even looks like depending on the timing of my workout Ill also be taioring my meals. Morning meal plan is different from an evening workout. Ill keep you posted on how this works out.

A few suplements are also required to make sure im getting the correct dose of vitamins. Workouts are due to get a bit more intense as we drop one of the runs for another weight/gym workout. So I need to do everything I can to survive.

Ill post in a few days as sticking to this regieme is gonna be tough ; )

Saturday, 28 September 2013

Why do we fall down??

Damn, this has been a tough week. After blackout its taken nearly 4 days before the damage the cramp generated eased. So after a weeks rest I expected to be ready for my session with Phil thus morning.

All started well warm up felt ok and although my right leg still felt a little tight, stretches felt ok.

As normal it was already a bit warm in the gym and the stretches had got me a little out of breath. (Ill try and develop a post on this section of my workout. Calling them a warm up or stetches really doesnt do them justice! They are almost like a mini workout. Especially those siderman handwalks today. It was actually afyer completing the final set of spiderman handwalks I began to not feel right.

We moved onto the clean and press with kettle bells, starting with 20kg. Managed a set on each arm but by the end of this set, I was starting to feel really weak. By the time we moved up to set 2 and the 24kg I had to pause as I really felt off.

Halfway through this set I really struggled  I became very light headed. I have never passed out before, but I'm assuming this is how it might feel. I had to stop.

Phil helped me with some stretches and hopefully identified my thoracic spine was a little tight. Meaning my chest/ribs were tight so restricting my lung capacity. This meant I wasn't getting enough oxygen so fatigue levels escalated quickly.

Also after speaking to a fellow Ostomist they suggested perhaps my Magnesium levels are also low. Cramp can be a sympton of dehydration and god knows that was bad cramp Saturday!  Being dehydrated,  fatigued and not getting enough oxygen obviously wasnt a good combination.

This week has been tough. So perhaps today was a combination of low magnesium levels, dehydration, fatigue and good old stress ; )

Anyway...been really annoyed all day since training at 8am. Was really looking forward to progressing with the training regieme. Starting to really work on my muscle definition.

Its been suggested I'm my own worse critic. I set my expectations too high. With my additional physical challenges I should be happy with what I have achieved.....really???

Perhaps I do set my limits higher than I should. But isn't that what pushes us, drives evolution? If it wasn't for humans pushing limits we would all still be sat in caves!!

Well life is too short. If you dont push your limits how do you know what they are? I have honestly never been as happy as I have since testing my physical and mental limits in 2013. Taken me all day to figure that out ; )

Now the geek in me begins to take over and I cant help but recall Thomas Wayne in Batman Begins...

Why do we fall down?
So we can pick ourselves back up again!

Friday, 27 September 2013

Snap Crackle and Pop

Strange isn't it what triggers a memory.

I fancied a change to porridge and saw Jacks rice crispies. As I added the milk I was greated by the familiar snap, crackle and pop! 

Randomly this sound triggered a memory of my first meal in hospital after my operation. For the first few days after I was allowed back on solids all I ate were rice crispies. To be fair I remember very little about the days immediately after my operation I was still on fairly high levels of morphine. ;)

It has then made me think how memories are not often triggered by a sound, a smell or some sort of visual stimulant. I was introduced to NLP (Nuro Linguistic Programming) during a training course at work. I dont pretend to be an expert but the example above is an NLP 'Anchor'. A positive or negative feeling embedded in our subconcious that is triggered by a sight, sound or smell.

A certain song will just make you smile, fresh cut grass can trigger a memory of a particular summer event, personally the smell of southern comfort makes me feel immedtaiely ill (this is due to a rather excessive consumption during my late teens which ended in a 2 day hangover!!)

Slightly sidetracked but the sound of rice crispies really took me back. Perhaps its also since writing this blog I have begun to reflect on my journey more than I have in the last few years?

I have also spoken to a contact at 'Beating Bowel Cancer' charity and yesterday and we discussed a possible PR article or being a BC Voice promoting awareness. (which will be a real honour) Perhaps it was speaking to them about my journey? It has been a while since I've told my full story especially wit the latest fitness additions. I've never really understood or agreed but people have told me my story is inspirational, I have just seen it as my story, my life, not inspirational just doing what I needed to ge through each day. But if it really is inspirational then I'm genuinely honoured that a small insight may inspire others to push their boundaries.

All that from a simle bowl of rice crispies ;)

Wednesday, 25 September 2013

Nuclear Blackout Review

So my rather lengthy blog of my experience during Nuclear Blackout is complete. An epic experience I found a new threshold in pain and determination.  Now for the review:

Overall another impressive event hosted by Nuclear Races. Bearing in mind the short amount of time they had to prepare (the event was a fairly last minute addition) and the unique challenges the darkness presented I think the event was an overall success. Well worth the registration fee. Although I do wish they would add medals to their events.

Below is the complete obstacle list. If you fancy trying mud running, you should seriously consider one of Nuclear Races Events. It will test you physically and mentally and I guarantee you'll meet some awesome people. You'll become part of a growing community, a community I'm proud to be part of!

Obstacle List

1. Bean Bags (squidgy giant bales)
2. The Last Straw (big haystack)
3. Fallen Log
4. Farmyard Manure
5. Hopscotch (tyres)
6. The Lake District (water)
7. "Combine" monkey swing
8. Reels of Fortune (round bales with gap)
9. Dirty Bottomless Bog (stinky)
10. Don't Bale Out (plastic coated bales)
11. Cargo Climb
12. Tired Legs (tyre pit)
13. The Bollards
14. Rampage (ramp)

Lap 3 man vs cramp!!

Lap 3: Man vs Cramp!!!

Ok so I wont lie I was ready to give up. My legs were getting sore and the cold water induced cramp was officially here to stay. As I continued on track I was lapped by one of the front runners. It was at this stage I realised this was the first time I had been anyone! I started in approx middle of the pack so I must still be there! I continued with my head held a little higher :)

By the time I had made the river crossing my run had slowed to barely a jog. At this point I was joined by 2 other runners Simon and Kevin. I'd met Simon during the first 2km of the event while it was still light. Simon had run a few of Nuclear races events and this was Kevin's first event. I owe them alot! We were all tired but continued to motivate each over to keep going and finish the second half of our 3rd lap.

Just before we reached the final obstacle I had to encourage Simon and Kevin to go on without me. Both calves were screaming in full cramp. With each step I was in more and more discomfort. Phil has subsequantly told me cramp is a fierce muscle contraction and causes temporary muscle damage.He also suggested that it was actually the smaller muscles around my calves that were causing the cramp as they desperately struggled against the uneven surfaces. The last 1 or 2km was the toughest of my life. If I wasnt in the middle of a forest, if it wasnt dark and if I wasnt so damn stubborn...I would of quit! Finally heard the music and lights of the finish so I knew I was close. The forest opened and I reached the final obstacle. The ramp! With every last ounce of grit and determination I managed to drag myself to the top and literally flop over the other side. I was glad the soil used to stabalise the ramp was nice and soft.

That was it I had used the last of my energy reserves. My legs were destroyed but I limped on.

At this stage I was aware of another light behind me. I turned to see a fellow mudstacle member Natahan. (Ill post another blog about mudstacle but basically a forum of mud runners sharing experiences and writting reviews, well worth a look!)I had been talking to Nathan at the start of the race and he could see I was in alot of pain. He grabed my arm flung it over his shoulder and helped me limp over the finish line. just over 2 hours 25mins and 15km...DAMN!!

With every race I have completed its hard to find the words to describe the feeling of crossing the finish line. This occassion was no different. With the additional physical challenges being an Ostomist presents I feel a real sense of pride everytime I cross the line. This race was no exception well after I managed to get over the pain. Id actually say that this time the sense of achievement was greater as this event had pushed me beyond my perceived physical limits. A new P.B. and a new benchmark in what I thought I could achieve.

Bring on the next mud run!!

Tuesday, 24 September 2013

Lap 2 darkness

Lap 2 Man vs Night
As my first lap had taken me 40mins it was now approx 7.20 and the ligh was fadng fast. What had been a comfortable off road run 40mins ago now took on a totally different feel. They had also snuck in another obstacle just after the start of some large bean bags. these wre easier to just roll over than try and climb. Plus made me feel a bit more hardcore. During the first lap I was able to pick the easiest route through the fields and see the underlating path well in advance. Now the natural light was fading each step put me a little off balance. It took me a while to adjust my pace, at this stage I realised I had massively underestimated the challenges a night run presented.

No drama with the first 5 obstacles. I again then turned the corner and faced the river crossing. i hit the cold water for a second time and my left calf immedtaiely cramped!!! I had to use the ropes to pull myself across the river and clamber out trying to hold some dignity. Fortunately at this stage due to the small number of competitors I managed to style it out with a cheeky comment to the marshall. Then my nemesis, the monkey bars.

Now confident after my initial sucess I negotiated the bars with some ease. Unfortuently my confidence was premature, I didnt fall in but managed to bang my head hard on the frame. Damn that hurt! Rubbing my head with embarrissment I continued on ove rthe remaining obstacles, with my left calf still niggling.

The forest runs also took on a different feel in the dark. I was now running solo and in the dark it was easy to lose my bearings. Im dont consider myself to be matcho so I have no issue in sharing in the dark, in a forest with the odd light and twigs breakng in the distance as fellow runner traversed the forst....was a little freaky.

After a fairly tough 10km my legs were really starting to feel the strain and both calves wre now starting to cramp. I crossed the line for a second time and started lap 3!!

Lap 1 Twighlight

Lap 1: Twighlight

At this stage it was still twighlight. Not in an over moisturised vampire or pretty boy werewolf way but just enough light to see where you were running.
The course started off with approx a 2km run through farmer fields and across the odd ditch. So far so good not too challenging . At this point we came across the first few obstacles. Big haystacks piled 3 high, a fallen log to tackle. Again not too bad. The Farmyard manure pile was interesting as each step you took to climg the mound you sank a little further. Luckily didnt smell too bad.

So far nothing too unexpected. This was shortly followed by 'hopscotch' tyres. As long as you were careful again not too tricky. At this point the light had begun to fade. Decided this was a good time to turn my headlamp on. I turned out of a field through some trees and was met with the first water obstacle, a river crossing.

As expected as you waded in the mud at the bottom of the lake was thick. Almost lost a trainier with second step my middle of the lake. Before I knew it I was up to my neck in cold water (which was actually quite refreshing after the first 2.5k of running) I managed to clamber out using the handy ropes for assistance. Then as I looked up there they were my nemesis....THE MONKEY BARS!!

Although last time I faced them I managed to get snapped for an epic pic I hadnt made it across. As it was now getting quite dark it made the task a little more challenging. Some of my fellow runners decided to drop in and wade over and not even attempt them. I had promised myself at the start of these adventures I would not miss any obstacles. I therefore reached forward and grasped the first bar. The upper body work is obviously starting to pay off as I easily managed to get accross. I set off with a little spring in my step and a smile on my face. Remember that when I start detailing subsequant laps ;)

Next was some 5ft ish round hay bales. These were a little bit more challenging than they looked but over I went. Some more running through the forest before another water obstacle, a rather smelly bog. Not as deep as the lake crossing but definatly muddier! Then came obstacles 10,11,12 and 13, plastic coated bales, Cargo net Climb, the tyre pit and bollards. these were nicely spaced out with some forest and fields. As I ran through the forest I could hear the noises and see the lights for the finish. The last obstacle before the finish straight was a cheeky little ramp. Easy enough but after 5km of running the legs were a little tired. I crossed the finish line in just over 40mins and lap 2 began!

Monday, 23 September 2013

Nuclear Blackout

So I survived my first endurance race...just ;)
Been wanting to write a review of one of my races since I started this blog. Lactic Rush and Nuts would have to be a reflection on my memories of the day.  So thought Id take the opportunity and write about Nuclear Blackout while the memories were fresh. Although trying to condense my thoughts and feelings and a review was proving challenging to squeze into one blog post. So I have decided to spread it over multiple posts....enjoy :)

Nuclear Blackout 2013

Prep (and nerves) started early in Saturday. I knew it was going to be a long day so I made sure Id got a decent amount of carbs. My other races were morning starts where I'd only just manage to choke back some porridge. I knew id need to fuel. God I was right

Race start was 6.45pm and I hate being late. So at about 5pm I said goodbye to Carley (my wife) and my son Jack. Due to timing of the race they wouldn't be able to watch tonight. Actually thinking about it, this was the first one of my races I'd ever been to on my own! The journey was only 30 mins and as I got closer, I wont lie I got a little nervous.  I finally arrived. I pulled onto the field expecting to see a half full car park.  Well at 5.30pm I was the only the third car to arrive.  At first this worried me then I kinda felt priviledged.  I knew this was a first for Nuclear Races and was glad I would be one of the first to try.

I wandered into the registration tent to utilise the free key drop.  As I signed in I noticed the entrance list was.....short.  As I looked at the list it suddenly clicked.  The race was low tech and all we had for registration as a wristband confirming we had paid.  Until this point I hadn't noticed the number hand written on my band.  I then found out this number corresponded to the order of sign up.  Turns out I was number 1! So I had been the first idiot to sign up for this night endurance obstacle race. At first I didn't know what to think about the small number of entrants.  Then remembering Lactic and 'Nuts' I realised less runners = no obstacle bottlenecks.  So I got my game face on and started to warm up. 

It was at this point I started to think about how or what I would write in this blog.  Something else I couldn't stop thinking about at this point and became a subject of discussion with my fellow runners was how many laps would I run.  As it turn out for many of the people I spoke to this was also their first endurance race.  Then it was time we gathered at the start for a safety briefing.  Confirmation 2 hours as many laps as we dare, oh and that there would definitely be water

The countdown began and we were off

 Lap1 be continued

Wise words

Was reading some other blogs and came across this. After Saturdays event and after 4 days off training trying to get back into training regieme...thought this was relevant......

Distance doesn’t make someone a runner. The ability to hit the pavement again after a disappointing run makes a you a runner. The need to mentally and physically push your limits. The knowledge that the bad runs have to happen in order for you to appreciate the good runs. The realization that no matter how good or bad they are, all miles count.

Friday, 20 September 2013

Body was willing, mind was struggling

Today was an early morning training session with Phil. Up at 5.30 warming up in gym by 6.15.

Something didnt feel right. I was aware Id had a disrupted nights sleep, a stressful day on Thursday and a "to do" list overflowing waiting for me at work that I was VERY aware of.

Ive started to realise as I develop and understand the M.E.T phylosphy but training really isnt just about the body being able. Body and mind must be in tune.

Well this morning the body was at the gym but in truth the mind wasnt as eager. Why? Today was my favourite workout B?

The last session had been strong, so why did I struggle before Id even lifted a kettle bell? During the warm up stretches, I just didnt feel...well right.

I pushed on and managed 4 sets with 20kg kettle bell, challenging supersets, and a cut down 30 second conditioning the end I was annoyed and frustrated.

Up till now I have posted mostly positive blogs. But I'd always set out for these posts to be realistic. I contemplated not typing this post but ive been honest from the start of this journey.

I have challenges as an ostomist plus since my operation I've had hypersensitivity (think thats what they called it) in my thighs. Some damaged nerve endings during my operation. And well I forgot to take my meds last night. Well I actually ran out : ( I felt fluffy, off my game, not myself. Now I think I know why.

So I read on a blog fitness it isnt about relishing the positive workouts but dragging your arse back into the the gym after a bad session. Well im ready to get my arse back in the gym ; )

Wednesday, 18 September 2013

Car racing is a type of sport...right??

So..ok not really a mud run or training post but wanted to share anyway. Yesterday was my first sports car track day.

When I arrived I had the tough choice of which 2 cars I wanted to drive. An Aston Martin, Ferrari,  Lamborgini, massarati, Porsche, Audi R8 or an Ariel Atom. What a choice right ; )

So had the be the Atom not a car you see often on track days apparently?? And to be honest had to tick the box of driving a Lamborgini Gallardo.

So I wasnt dissapointed! 3 laps in the Lambo first. Ill be honest not a mad driver. Im fron Essex but no boy racer. So my first lap was a bit...well slow!

The acceleration caught me by surprise. However,  I also hadnt anticipated the breaking speed. I was lifting off to early and applying the breaks far too quickly. On the second lap I got a bit more confident. That said im about 6'2" and the leg room awasnt ideal as my legs rested on the bottom of the steering wheel. So really not comfortable chucking it through the 2 x chicanes. Still a Lamborgini!! I had a grin like a kid just pulling away and cruising onto track at 30mph!!!

3 laps was over quickly and then a short wait for the Atom!!

WOW!!!! this made the lambo feel like a family saloon. As you can see from pics if youd never seen an Atom before its scaffolding with and engine and 4 wheels. In addition the instructor in the Atom was superb. Talking me through the track when to accelerate break turn in etc   Damn this was fun!!!! If you ever get a chance to try this DO IT!! I managed to secure a discounted Amazon voucher so was a real bargain : )

I know its a tenuous link but racing is a form of sport.. right?

Anyway I thought about not posting, but this blog is a log of my ups, downs, highs and lows. This was defo a high so hope you don't mind me sharing. Plus life is too shirt as any cancer survivor knows. I dont subscribe to the Y.O.L.O (you only live once) philosophy, but hey...lige would be boring without some fun right ; )

Will also post soon about Nuckear Blackout soon. The nerves and prep about Saturday's night endurance race.. Blimey I'm worried I may of bitten off more than I can chew this time : (

Saturday, 14 September 2013

When your too tired to some more!!

So the weather has turned..summer is over and along comes the rain...should be sad right?
Well im not. Im actually looking forward to my forest trail runs with some mud!

That said in a few short days Ill be running my next moment of madness ; )

Sat 21st Sept is Nuclear Blackout. This could possibly be my toughest challenge so far. Nuclear Blackout is a 5k obstacle course endurance race..IN THE DARK!!!!

The race starts just before sunset and we have 2 hours to complete as many laps as possible. I dont know  the course layout but its on the same land as Lactic Fallout I ran in May. The course will be shorter but we have had confirmed it will contain 2 water obstacles!!!!

This will be be possibly the longest race a feeling im going to need to push hard on this one. Pace will be everything. Ive been working hard on this on my last few runs to try and keep a constant yet manageable speed. Not as easy as it sounds!

Well apart from pace there are still the obstacles and of course the dark. Im starting to realise this race could be a struggle mentally as well as physically. Need to keep a beady eye on the ground concentrating for 2 hours will take its toll.

My plan is a slow and steady first lap meaning by lap 2 I'll know whats coming. Where to push and where I can use obstacles or terrain to recover. (Haha obstacles to recover who am I kidding!)

Got a feeling im gonna hit the wall by lap 2...when im tired of running. gonna have to run some more ; )

Friday, 13 September 2013

mirrors arent just for posing...who knew!

So today was workout b..straight from work after a long week and in a pretty hot and busy gym. As you can imagine, wasnt setting my hopes high : (

Must admit using the squat rack today whilst checking my technique and form in the mirror was really useful.

I used to think mirrors in gyms were just so posers could check out their guns and stroke thier egos! Well perhaps some do, however, im now sure they really do help you train form is everything!!!

Squats are still tough they still need work but im getting there..slowly. ; )

On a plus we also increased the weight on the flys today in the superset. In fairness we did drop kettle bells to 2 x 12kg for press. Again the right thing to do as I can now work on my form ; )

In conclusion starting to like workout b...still dont like marmite ; )

Thursday, 12 September 2013

My marmite "workout B"

Time to share my love hate relationship with WORKOUT B!!!

My training regieme is split into 2 main workouts. A & B...simple right? I wish!!!
Our current workout isnt version 1 but version 2.0.

The latest versions of these workouts are broken into 3. Including a 'superset' Well thats what Phil calls them. Im starting to refer to them as marmite sets. Oh and for the record I dont like marmite ; ) As you can guess by my pet name...after the challenge of the primary excercise, these workouts are TOUGH!!

So what are the 3 sections:
1) Primary excercise
2) Superset
3) conditioning

The conditioning section of the workout put simply is 3 excercises for 40 seconds back to back ( no breaks ) with 1 mins rest between rounds. Repeated 3 times!! If I wasnt sucking in air by this stage, trust me these 3 conditioning sets will really get ya heart pumping!! This is also the stage where Im sweating that much my eybrows are unable to hold back the flood and my eyes begin to sting!!!
Another piece of education: apparently protecting our eyes from water/sweat is one of the functions your eyebrows are designed for. Well according to Stephen Fry an QI anyway ; )

So as I always do at this stage just read back on my first ramble. (To make sure it makes sense). Think I mightve been too strong. It almost sounds like I hate these workouts right?? HELL NO!!!

Workout B really pushes me. Especially the squat rack. It has always been an excercise that scared me. Puts alot of strain on your core when you push out of the bottom of the squat! Hernias arent paranoid fiction,  they are a real risk for us ostomists.  Infact we can get them without lifting this type of heavy weight. That said 10 months of prep mean I was squatting 50kg for almost 5 sets. I say almost as the needed Phils help on the last couple. Infact thinking about it the last one I went down but didn't quite make it up ; )

Ill try and post my exact workout regieme soon in the interim I have taken some photos of my marmite workout B.....

Wednesday, 11 September 2013

Stoma, what the hell is a Stoma?????

Hi all,

As per my last post I spent some time looking on google to see how best I could define a Stoma, here is what I found. I hope its of interest? Let me know!

An ileostomy is a surgical procedure to link the end of the small intestine to an opening in the abdomen (stoma)

In an ileostomy, the end of the small intestine (the ileum) is disconnected from the colon (large intestine) and re-routed through a hole made in the abdomen, which is known as a stoma. An external bag (stoma bag) is attached to the opening to collect waste products.
An ileostomy is a relatively common surgery. In England, an estimated 9,000 are carried out by the NHS each year.

When is an ileostomy needed?
An ileostomy is needed when the colon (large intestine) is damaged, inflamed or loses function. It is also used to treat some types of cancer, where it is necessary to remove part or all of the colon.

Types of ileostomy
There are three main types of ileostomy:
• loop ileostomy
• end ileostomy

Loop ileostomy
During a loop ileostomy, a loop of the small intestine is brought out through the stoma. The procedure is usually only used as a temporary measure when it is necessary to remove part of the rectum. Once the remaining colon has healed it can be reconnected to the small intestine and the stoma can be closed.
Loop ileostomies are often used to treat bowel cancer.
End ileostomy
During an end ileostomy the colon and rectum are removed and the end of the ileum is brought out through the stoma and attached to an external bag. An end ileostomy is usually permanent.

An ileo-anal pouch (also known as a J pouch) is sometimes used as an alternative to an external bag. This is an internal pouch surgically constructed from the small intestine and connected to the sphincter muscle that surrounds the anus. It means bowel actions can be controlled in the normal way.
Ileo-anal pouches are now preferred because they eliminate the external bag. However, they are not suitable for every patient. Disadvantages include having to go to the toilet frequently to empty the pouch.

So there it is, never thought this blog would be educational :) I have and will make reference to 'my bag', 'ileo' or 'stoma' regularily throughout these blogs. So thought it was good to share what these unusualy terms were :)

As I have already said my reasons for sharing are not for sympathy as my stoma in reality stops me from doing very little. My op was 6.5 years ago, but, I have a 5 year old son and I am traininig in a gym or running 5 days a week! Oh thats whilst trying to keep down a stressful career in Sales, look after our new puppy and try and spend some quality time with my wife!!! So all in all regardless if you are or are not an ostomist a hectic lifestyle :)

Oh....and for the record right now I LOVE MY LIFE!!!!

Tuesday, 10 September 2013

To move forward we need only look at our past

I've been thinking about my next blog today  Had a few ideas what to post next. A review of Nuts my most recent race. A reflection on Lactic Rush perhaps(my first obstacle race).
I Have also been playing with an entry that trys to break down my workouts. 10 months ago I thought a clean and press was something you did to a shirt, not with a kettle bell ; )

Then I started thinking, why did I start this blog? Why did I even start this journey at all? One aim was obviously to improve my overall fitness. But the journey really hit another gear when my changing body shape began to cause issues with my stoma bag. Then I began to think this whole journey over the last 6 years. Recent months were about my mental 'battle' with Cancer and the physical challenges a stoma presented. Ultimately how it stops me in reality doing very little , well apart from farting. But thats a different story ; )

Then I realised everyone knows what cancer is. Its a term we hear in our everyday life. However, my journey also included the alien concept of a stoma. Over the last 6 years I have been very open about my ileo. I never wanted the subjest of my illness and op to be taboo. It was at this stage I realised. The biggest thing I have encountered in the last 6 years was ignorance. Not intentionally or vicously but like me 7 years ago a compete ignorance on what a stoma, ostomy or ileo even was!

I think it may be people feel afraid to ask and therefore make assumptions. So I have decided that my next post I will try and explain what a stoma actually is  Hopefully for you following this blog (and I hope there are at least a couple of you) an understanding of a stoma may help you understand the challenges in my journey. Perhaps even understand more about a stoma may help to understand why certain posts are relevant to an ostomist (someone with a stoma).

Ive read that the NHS for various reasons perform over 9, 000 stoma surgeries a year. So the chance of meeting a fellow brown bagger increases every year. We dont want pity but an understanidng of the challenges a stoma presents will hopefully be useful??

So my next post (without any gory pics) I will try to explain what a stoma actually is....

Friday, 6 September 2013

Training session

Saturday's training session was tough!
It has been a long week with high stress levels at work. Stress always seems to take more out of me  I'm not sure why? Perhaps it's my Stoma or perhaps as a manager my role is to keep my personal stess levels in check? Coping with stress can be stressful  itself!
Either way it'd been a long week ; )

So I arrive at my gym at 8.30 Sat morning ready to meet Phil (my P.T) I knew today was 'workout B' my least favourite of the two circuits, as it is also my weakest. ; )

Warm up went well, even though this did work up quite a sweat.  It was then time for the squat rack. This is an excercise Ive always had concerns with. My operation and stoma has left my core weak with scars tissue etc. Ultimately a stoma is a piece of your intestine pulled through a hole in you stomach. This makes for compromised stomach muscles. Hernia's are a constant concern, however,  I trust Phil, I trust my body.

We start off slow just the bar (yeah just the bar...still 20kg!!!) I have realised over the months I have worked with Phil, technique is everything. We get the first set of front squats done...I'm feeling good. We then progress to some weight.

This is only my second time in 'the rack' and last time created a weird injury in both my middle fingers?? Weird right? Well this created a negative anchor for this excercise.  I think a weak wrist means my grip just isnt right. I bearly make it through my first set before the niggle starts acting up. Like I said...listen to your body. Mine just said enough! I had to ditch the bar twice before I finnaly said to Phil "this isnt happening"
In my opinion as any real P.T should Phil didnt push. He knew all this would achieve was less commitment, poor technique and risk an injury.

We changed to back squats added more weight and (apart from final set) managed to push out 4 more sets.

So managed to finish off a tough session, proving a stoma IS just another obstacle to overcome. Listening to my body is vital to avoid injury and ultimately stay positive and focused.

The Ironic beginning ; )

Whilst thinking about my next post made me reflect on my first few weeks out of hospital.  Looking back ironically this is when I unbeknownst to me took my first steps towards fitness.
To build up my strength I used to walk across a park to the local greggs. Id pick up a sausage roll. And then walk back. I remember being so tired!  I then started timing my walks trying to make it there and back as quick as I could.
Ironic how a sausage roll was the thing that started my passion for fitness ; ) lol