Thursday, 17 October 2013


Now hoes this for irony. After posting a blog yesterday about stoma challenges I wake up today with a stomach pain. Not the first time ive had this pain. I knew what this was. A blockage!!

Imagine whats left of my intestine as a hose pipe. Turn the water on. Now kink the imagine that inside your stomach.  Thats the general idea of a blockage ; )

They can occur for a number of reasons. As I now have a bit of extra space it can just kink, certain foods digest poorly or the most common for me...not chewing my food properly!

Think I read somewhere your supposed to chew each bite 20 times? Who has time to do that! Anyway poorly chewed food was probably the cause of this blockage.

To use the hose pipe analogy by eating Id be increasing the pressure in the kink. To try and help the digestive system tries to flush with fluid. This comes with its own challenges. These blackages can be really painful. Sickness and an extreme discomfot arent unusual.

Another weird side effect is phantom toilet pains. Our bodies are hard wired to function in a certain way. Well when something is disconnected or missing the body is hard wired to think its still there. I guess its similar to phantom feelings in a lost limb. My digestive system doesnt realise its not connected anymore. So during these cramps I also get phantom toilet pains. My remaining rectal stump spasms. Its a little weird and slightly uncomfortable.

When you think about it its a testament that the human body that it can function with key organs removed.

Well today I lucked out. Some peppermint tea and 5 hours of sleep seem to of helped. Not the first time thus has happened and sure it will not be the last...

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