Sunday 20 October 2013

Saturday 19th - The Big Push

This marked my 4th cross country obstacle race.
I have trained this week with a niggle, Physical and mental. Blackout did more damage than I realised. My right knee was still tight and after a few runs if 5-6k it still hurt. Not great leading up to this 6k event ; )

I also knew that one of the obstacles would be an 'electrical' obstacle. is full of mixed reviews about  these types of obstacle. I wasnt sure how this type of obstacle would challenge my stoma.

I didnt even know how how this obstacle would manifest itself! Tough Mudder was a gauntlet of wires waiting for you to run or crawl through...all I knew is this obstacle was called 'The Spiders Web'.... Mysterious right ; )

Well I'm pleased to say today im a little achy but nothing serious. Seriously cold water, very slippery muddy hill climbs and descents, fire jumps and a cautious negotiation of the Spiders Web meant that Back 2 Trenches was actually a really fun event....

Waiting for some offiicial photos as this was a solo event and ill post a bit more of a review ; )

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