Tuesday, 24 September 2013

Lap 2 darkness

Lap 2 Man vs Night
As my first lap had taken me 40mins it was now approx 7.20 and the ligh was fadng fast. What had been a comfortable off road run 40mins ago now took on a totally different feel. They had also snuck in another obstacle just after the start of some large bean bags. these wre easier to just roll over than try and climb. Plus made me feel a bit more hardcore. During the first lap I was able to pick the easiest route through the fields and see the underlating path well in advance. Now the natural light was fading each step put me a little off balance. It took me a while to adjust my pace, at this stage I realised I had massively underestimated the challenges a night run presented.

No drama with the first 5 obstacles. I again then turned the corner and faced the river crossing. i hit the cold water for a second time and my left calf immedtaiely cramped!!! I had to use the ropes to pull myself across the river and clamber out trying to hold some dignity. Fortunately at this stage due to the small number of competitors I managed to style it out with a cheeky comment to the marshall. Then my nemesis, the monkey bars.

Now confident after my initial sucess I negotiated the bars with some ease. Unfortuently my confidence was premature, I didnt fall in but managed to bang my head hard on the frame. Damn that hurt! Rubbing my head with embarrissment I continued on ove rthe remaining obstacles, with my left calf still niggling.

The forest runs also took on a different feel in the dark. I was now running solo and in the dark it was easy to lose my bearings. Im dont consider myself to be matcho so I have no issue in sharing in the dark, in a forest with the odd light and twigs breakng in the distance as fellow runner traversed the forst....was a little freaky.

After a fairly tough 10km my legs were really starting to feel the strain and both calves wre now starting to cramp. I crossed the line for a second time and started lap 3!!

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