Sunday, 29 September 2013

Food = fuel

From the last post you can see that my last gym session really struggled. Blackout mustve taken more out of me than I realised!!

A big part of training is diet. Ive read somewhere that this can be more important than the training itself. Guess this makes sense if you think of the body as a machine. Put the wrong fuel in and you risk the machine not working properly and possible damage.

Think this may be a reason for my extended recovery.  As an ostomist I have the added challenge that I have a large part if my digestive system missing.

Based on this Phil has helped me and made some diet suggestions.  It all focuses on eating the right foods, but importantly at the right times. After excercise for example woukd requure different fuel compared to a rest day. It even looks like depending on the timing of my workout Ill also be taioring my meals. Morning meal plan is different from an evening workout. Ill keep you posted on how this works out.

A few suplements are also required to make sure im getting the correct dose of vitamins. Workouts are due to get a bit more intense as we drop one of the runs for another weight/gym workout. So I need to do everything I can to survive.

Ill post in a few days as sticking to this regieme is gonna be tough ; )

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