Thursday, 12 September 2013

My marmite "workout B"

Time to share my love hate relationship with WORKOUT B!!!

My training regieme is split into 2 main workouts. A & B...simple right? I wish!!!
Our current workout isnt version 1 but version 2.0.

The latest versions of these workouts are broken into 3. Including a 'superset' Well thats what Phil calls them. Im starting to refer to them as marmite sets. Oh and for the record I dont like marmite ; ) As you can guess by my pet name...after the challenge of the primary excercise, these workouts are TOUGH!!

So what are the 3 sections:
1) Primary excercise
2) Superset
3) conditioning

The conditioning section of the workout put simply is 3 excercises for 40 seconds back to back ( no breaks ) with 1 mins rest between rounds. Repeated 3 times!! If I wasnt sucking in air by this stage, trust me these 3 conditioning sets will really get ya heart pumping!! This is also the stage where Im sweating that much my eybrows are unable to hold back the flood and my eyes begin to sting!!!
Another piece of education: apparently protecting our eyes from water/sweat is one of the functions your eyebrows are designed for. Well according to Stephen Fry an QI anyway ; )

So as I always do at this stage just read back on my first ramble. (To make sure it makes sense). Think I mightve been too strong. It almost sounds like I hate these workouts right?? HELL NO!!!

Workout B really pushes me. Especially the squat rack. It has always been an excercise that scared me. Puts alot of strain on your core when you push out of the bottom of the squat! Hernias arent paranoid fiction,  they are a real risk for us ostomists.  Infact we can get them without lifting this type of heavy weight. That said 10 months of prep mean I was squatting 50kg for almost 5 sets. I say almost as the needed Phils help on the last couple. Infact thinking about it the last one I went down but didn't quite make it up ; )

Ill try and post my exact workout regieme soon in the interim I have taken some photos of my marmite workout B.....

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