Thursday, 14 November 2013

The average persons is confronted by an obstacle and turns away believing they cannot overcome....Apparently I'm not average ;) its been a few days since my last post. Probably the longest gap between posts. Dont worry ive not run out of things to talk about...actually totally the opposite!

Things have been a little hectic. Whilst trying to juggle work, family life, training Ive also been asked to write some guest blogs for my stoma supplier! Plus alot of activity for with beating bowel cancer charity. So many positives I almost cant believe it!!

That said I do feel a little lost as I now dont have an event to work towards. The next one isnt until March 2014!! But cumon, dont think ill be able to wait that long ; )
Infact as Ive been writting this seems like Im gonna sign up to Mud and Madness in February :)

Things are really starting to develop. I guess these blogs may be the reason why. In May I ran my first race and raised over £800 for beating bowel cancer. Well ive remained in touch with them. The messages from them have actually been really motivational. Well as you might of seen on facebook looks like one of my pictures from nuts challenge is going to be used for cover of their patients day leaflet. Hopefully in the next few days an article should be in the Thurrock Gazette telling my story and hopefully promoting awareness, promoting this blog and you never know, maybe raise a few donations ; )

More than I could've dreamed of. Im really honoured I have honestly never really thought of my story, my life over the last 6 years as inspirational! Still find it hard to say it ; )

Well I must be doing something right. In addition I may also have an article in their 2014 patient magazine. In a weird way its actually pushing me to train harder, keeping up with this blog and keep entering these OCR events.

Raising awareness is something incredibly important to me. I knew nothing about the symptoms of bowel cancer or what the hell a stoma was. Since day 1 I have tried to be open about everything. It was a coping mechanism.  A way for me to come to terms with everything. At the time I didn't know it but it was actually doing more than I realised. 

A good friend was also struck with bowel cancer shortly after me. His battle with cancer was tough. Unfortunatley he finnaly lost his battle with cancer a few years ago. It was only recently that I was told he admired me? The way I was coping?  If only he knew how he has inspired me.

If my story helps one person, educates someone about the symptons of bowel now how could that not be an inspiration for me to continue??

Anyway, im not sure where this journey is going to take me in 2014. All I do know is being told how my story can hopefully inspire others, help raise awareness, thats whats will continue to drag my arse out of bed. Thats what will get me to the gym when I just want to roll over and go back to sleep. That is what will continue to help me push boundaries. 2013 was all about doing things for me, my own sense of achievement. 2014 is going to be the year I hopefully start to give something back.

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