Tuesday 15 April 2014

Part of the battle is awareness.

So here it is. Probably the most important blog post ill ever upload.

Please take some time to read and share. Early diagnosis really dows save lives.

Being aware of the symptoms of bowel cancer is the most important part of protecting yourself from the disease.

Its worth noting that many of these symptoms can be explained by other ailments that arent always cancer.  Either way if your not sure and have any of these symptoms its always best to consult your GP. ; )

Higher risk symptoms:

• Bleeding from the bottom (rectal bleeding) or blood in your poo without any obvious reason, such as local soreness, piles (haemorrhoids), tears (anal fissures).

• Any change in bowel habit that lasts for three weeks or more, especially if you are going to the toilet more often or experiencing unexplained looser poo. Symptoms may also include unexpected constipation, and a feeling of fullness or incomplete emptying from your back passage (rectum) after you have used the toilet.

• Any constant, unexplained pain anywhere in the abdomen, especially if it is severe. It may also be linked to going to the toilet, or it might come and go like cramps or colic.

• An unexpected lump in your abdomen, especially if it is on your right hand side.

• Unexpected weight loss perhaps due to lost appetite, or feeling bloated or sick.

• Unexplained tiredness, dizziness or breathlessness (symptoms of anaemia).

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