Damn, this has been a tough week. After blackout its taken nearly 4 days before the damage the cramp generated eased. So after a weeks rest I expected to be ready for my session with Phil thus morning.
All started well warm up felt ok and although my right leg still felt a little tight, stretches felt ok.
As normal it was already a bit warm in the gym and the stretches had got me a little out of breath. (Ill try and develop a post on this section of my workout. Calling them a warm up or stetches really doesnt do them justice! They are almost like a mini workout. Especially those siderman handwalks today. It was actually afyer completing the final set of spiderman handwalks I began to not feel right.
We moved onto the clean and press with kettle bells, starting with 20kg. Managed a set on each arm but by the end of this set, I was starting to feel really weak. By the time we moved up to set 2 and the 24kg I had to pause as I really felt off.
Halfway through this set I really struggled I became very light headed. I have never passed out before, but I'm assuming this is how it might feel. I had to stop.
Phil helped me with some stretches and hopefully identified my thoracic spine was a little tight. Meaning my chest/ribs were tight so restricting my lung capacity. This meant I wasn't getting enough oxygen so fatigue levels escalated quickly.
Also after speaking to a fellow Ostomist they suggested perhaps my Magnesium levels are also low. Cramp can be a sympton of dehydration and god knows that was bad cramp Saturday! Being dehydrated, fatigued and not getting enough oxygen obviously wasnt a good combination.
This week has been tough. So perhaps today was a combination of low magnesium levels, dehydration, fatigue and good old stress ; )
Anyway...been really annoyed all day since training at 8am. Was really looking forward to progressing with the training regieme. Starting to really work on my muscle definition.
Its been suggested I'm my own worse critic. I set my expectations too high. With my additional physical challenges I should be happy with what I have achieved.....really???
Perhaps I do set my limits higher than I should. But isn't that what pushes us, drives evolution? If it wasn't for humans pushing limits we would all still be sat in caves!!
Well life is too short. If you dont push your limits how do you know what they are? I have honestly never been as happy as I have since testing my physical and mental limits in 2013. Taken me all day to figure that out ; )
Now the geek in me begins to take over and I cant help but recall Thomas Wayne in Batman Begins...
Why do we fall down?
So we can pick ourselves back up again!