So for various reasons I have had a bit of a break from training. This is mostly a result of September being one of my biggest number event of the year! Looking back I had an event every weekend!
I'm behind with video editing but as IO am so far behind I am working on a 'mash up' of the 4 events into one video ;)
I have also started to realize that I hadnt really been giving myself enough rest between events or refuelling appropriately.
Well as the end of silly season I am trying to settle down into a normal training regieme. WOW does time off make a difference, I had also picked up a few strains and niggles ( a nasty stomach strain from rope climbing training, luckily nothing serious)
Whilst I had hobbled and struggled around 4 races being back in the gym I began to feel my lack of training.
I had been progressing nicely with my fitness and dead-lift and squats had progressed to a nicely to body weight reps. My super sets (final part of circuit) whilst still destroying me felt respectable, like I belonged in the gym.
Unfortunately (and this is probably my ego speaking here) being back after nearly 2 months the workout feels like a HUGE step back. :(

I trust Phil (my trainer) and know that this is what is required to quickly get back to my old fitness levels, (plus avoid injury) but, ill be honest last week I became very frustrated. I had begun making excuses as to why I couldn't go to the gym, missing the alarm or being grateful work was busy.
Don't get me wrong fitting in tranining around life in general has always been challenging, but when you are getting frustrated.......
As always try to finish on a positive, and Im getting there
I joined my wife for an Insanity training session on Sunday and again became very frustrated. The session included allot of core work and I guess this is the area that I had suffered the most from my training break. I had to sit out whole sections of the class as I just wasnt willing to push it. A few twinges around my stoma and I knew I had to back off.
My alarm went off at 5.20 yesterday and after sunday, my ahces and general laziness meant I pressed snooze and slept on.
All day I regretted the decision, I had put my gym bag in the boot of my car with the ambition to go straight from work. by 2pm I had already began making excuses though as to why it wasnt a good idea.
'The gym will be too busy'
'The equipment I want to use wont be available'
Even as I pulled into the parking bay at the gym, I still wasn't committed. The gym as it happens wasn't that busy.I started to warm up and didn't look back, I had a tough yet GREATworkout, I had found my gym 'mojo' again ;)
I am now looking forward to my next session Thursday and PT session Saturday and I am focusing on pushing the curve to get back to my old levels of fitness.
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