Hi all,
So again a repost but with more FB and twitter friends Im hoping this awareness post will reach some new people and the word Ostomy will not be so alien :)
An ileostomy is a surgical procedure to link the end of the small intestine to an opening in the abdomen (stoma)
In an ileostomy, the end of the small intestine (the ileum) is
disconnected from the colon (large intestine) and re-routed through a
hole made in the abdomen, which is known as a stoma. An external bag
(stoma bag) is attached to the opening to collect waste products.
An ileostomy is a relatively common surgery. In England, an estimated 9,000 are carried out by the NHS each year.
When is an ileostomy needed?
An ileostomy is needed when the colon (large intestine) is damaged,
inflamed or loses function. It is also used to treat some types of
cancer, where it is necessary to remove part or all of the colon.
Types of ileostomy
There are three main types of ileostomy:
• loop ileostomy
• end ileostomy
Loop ileostomy
During a loop ileostomy, a loop of the small intestine is brought out
through the stoma. The procedure is usually only used as a temporary
measure when it is necessary to remove part of the rectum. Once the
remaining colon has healed it can be reconnected to the small intestine
and the stoma can be closed.
Loop ileostomies are often used to treat bowel cancer.
End ileostomy
During an end ileostomy the colon and rectum are removed and the end of
the ileum is brought out through the stoma and attached to an external
bag. An end ileostomy is usually permanent.
An ileo-anal pouch (also known as a J pouch) is sometimes used as an
alternative to an external bag. This is an internal pouch surgically
constructed from the small intestine and connected to the sphincter
muscle that surrounds the anus. It means bowel actions can be controlled
in the normal way.
Ileo-anal pouches are now preferred because they eliminate the external
bag. However, they are not suitable for every patient. Disadvantages
include having to go to the toilet frequently to empty the pouch.
there it is, never thought this blog would be educational :) I have and
will make reference to 'my bag', 'ileo' or 'stoma' regularily
throughout these blogs. So thought it was good to share what these
unusualy terms were :)
As I have already said my
reasons for sharing are not for sympathy as my stoma in reality stops me
from doing very little. My op was 6.5 years ago, but, I have a 5 year
old son and I am traininig in a gym or running 5 days a week! Oh thats
whilst trying to keep down a stressful career in Sales, look after our
new puppy and try and spend some quality time with my wife!!! So all in
all regardless if you are or are not an ostomist a hectic lifestyle :)
Oh....and for the record right now I LOVE MY LIFE!!!!
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