Monday, 8 September 2014

Happy Blogiversary!!!

Ill be honest life has been hectic, health had a bit of a blip, bit of a gap in training, work has been a bit stressful, and to be honest this manifested in my emotional armor being really tested.

I do my best to stay positive, to think of all the positives in my life, but sometimes, for no apparent reason this is THE hardest thing to do!

Depression/stress whatever you decide to call it in my experience it has many levels.  It feels like a darkness washes over you.  Like you are at the bottom of a hole looking up at the light and everyone else going about their normal lives.  Although you have been there before, in the then and now there is nothing you can do.  It tests your resolve, your personal relationships with family and friends, your working professionalism.  Ultimately your willingness to keep fighting the good fight.

I suppose in some ways I've created allot of my own pressures.  I don't want to be a recluse and sit in the corner rocking but similarly work, life stress the pressure of this journey I am on cannot be ignored.  No matter how much I try!

Perhaps over the last few months I have taken on a little more than I could handle, forgot I don't wear a cape and my pants over my trousers ;)

On a more positive note I have just noticed a few days ago was the anniversary of this very blog!  Who would've thought that when I started that things would've developed as far as they have.  That my ramblings would've opened so many doors, allowed me to meet so many cool people.  Allow me to be an officially published blogger, and a part of a wider Ostomy community!  This all became very clear when  at a recent OCR event having so many people stop me....just to say hi!

WOW!!! Now if that's not enough to give anyone a motivational kick in the arse what is.


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