Tuesday, 22 April 2014

Medication...the solution and cause of many a challenge

So, whilst the last few weeks have been a whirlwind of activity. This blog has recieved some serious exposure being shared with my fellow OCR runners to some of the ostomy community. It's been shared on facebook retweeted and Ive even started my very own guest blog (post soon to come)

During this time of excitement it has also been one of the toughest 6 weeks of the last 7 years. As mentioned in a previous post after my recent sigmoscopy revealed an inflamation of UC in my remaining rectal stump I was perscribed a strong dose of steroids. And man were they strong!

This was my first experience of steroids and dont believe everything that you hear. Not all steroids increase your strength and cause you to increase muscle mass. Infact these were quite the opposite. I experienced a range of side effects from weakness to dizziness to a rather nasty few days of facial numbness! (Gotta admit this one did freak me out a little!)

These steroids seriously effected my training. For most of the course I wasn't able to finish my usual circuit. I became exhausted and struggled to make 50% of a regime I was comfortably completing a few days earlier.

This was also partially due to my overall fatigue. I was sleeping well. Not quite insomnia but they definatley effected my sleep. Plus for one week I had the most vivid nightmares! I mean waking up in a cold sweat nightmares!

During this time I was also awaiting for my biopsy results. Good news they came back all clear and Im now finnaly off the medication. Im slowly starting to feel like myself again. Now this is the head scew. Whilst the side effects really did hit me for six, they did there job! They increased my bodies natural defences and the flare up subsided.

Isnt that just the way life is. Every you kust start to get ontop of everything it trys to knock you back down.

I guess the real sign of a warrior, a fighter is the strength to keep picking yourself back up again ; )

btw: think this will be my next tattoo ; )

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