Its been a really hectic few weeks. Work seems to of entered silly season where even if its quiet I'm still busy! Coupled with training, events and general life finding time to blog has been challenging. So sorry this post is so late!
So here we go....... 2 OCR reviews, both very enjoyable although different events. Where to start. My aim in this blog us a brief review of both races and why I love OCR's how they are fun and challenging in different ways ; )
March 18th: Nuclear Blackout
1st of all I confess I'm a Nuker. Nuclear races are my home OCR, they were my first OCR and where my addiction began. I have competed in all of their 2013 races. Each better than the last.
In 2014 Nuclear races claimed to of upped their game.
Had they? In one word
YES!! In fact HELL YES!!
The event staging area contained a DJ, Fire Eaters and one buzzing atmosphere!
We set of to be confronted by the usual OCR obstacles. Trenches, mud usual Essex Mud. But Nuclear Races made good on their promise.

Over the next 2 hours we were confronted by more mud and chilled water (nuclear races love their water) but mixed into the course were monumental obstacles. A huge 1/4 pipe (that left some memorable bruising) and an obstacle announced only days before Blackout hang tough!)

And to top it off we were treated to a run through a genuine WWII nuclear bunker. Whose final stair climb finished off my legs!
I managed to complete 2 laps in the dark, cold and (a common issue for me at blackout) cramp!
I crossed the finish line destroyed and shell shocked! A nice touch to this cold night race is we were not only given the customary 'bling' but a nuclear mug of hot tea!
I crossed the finish line destroyed and shell shocked! A nice touch to this cold night race is we were not only given the customary 'bling' but a nuclear mug of hot tea!

*me and my mud bro Simon
Usually after these events I have a good few weeks to recover. Often the following week doesn't even involve any training. Not this time. A few gym sessions to keep limber and 7 days later I was off to Redhill and Back 2 The Trenches!
March 23rd Back 2 The Trenches: Over The Top
(read my ramblings below or check out the highlights from my first person go pro!)
This was my second trenches event. The first event was great fun. This event was even more enjoyable as I had convinced some of my OCR virgin friends to join me. The atmosphere at these events is great. The comradeship of fellow runners is exceptional. But running with friends make these events so much more!
We set off and true to my last race Trenches made exceptional use of the countryside. Within the first few hundred yards we had hopped over some tyres and hay bales then came THE HILLS!
If Nuclear like their water, Trenches LOVE their hills (and the odd muddy trench crawl) The course looped twisted and elevated through a hilly forest.

Once the hills had finished you off, the drop in temp and hailstones (yes, hailstones!) DEFINITELY DID!
Tyre and sand bag carries and more and more hills followed. ; )
Seriously I cant explain how steep some of the hills were, often we were reduced to sliding on our arse as the slopes become slippery!
The km trickled away then we reached something id never seen or heard of before. A strawberry field. Corridors that seemed to go on forever! 11mins of running up and down that seemed to go on for MILES!! (Check out the vid above)
I've never been to an OCR that didn't have a river crossing of some sort. Trenches left this obstacle to the last km. And DAMN it was a chilly river swim! Alan (my co runner) even ignored the signs and dived right int! (think he regretted that!) and careful negotiation of an electric fence topped off the 10km course before we crossed the line.
As I said this was Alan's first OCR and as you can see in his face at the finish line below, this will not be his last! Back 2 The Trenches was a special event as it was his first 'Mudding' ;)

Id made it through both events. Ill be honest thought I might of bitten off more than I could chew this time ; )
As you can tell both events were very different. Nuclear and its monumental obstacles and Trenches with their hills, hills and more hills!
So which was the best?
That's what I love about OCR. They were both adrenaline filled, muscle aching, challenging courses.
Every OCR I've competed in has felt different. Even races at the same event organizers.
Id highly recommend both events. They each test you in their own way. Each is well organised and as I'm starting to realize vitally are SAFE. Both are well marshaled so should you hit any issues help isn't too far away.
Id made it through both events. Ill be honest thought I might of bitten off more than I could chew this time ; )
As you can tell both events were very different. Nuclear and its monumental obstacles and Trenches with their hills, hills and more hills!
So which was the best?
That's what I love about OCR. They were both adrenaline filled, muscle aching, challenging courses.
Every OCR I've competed in has felt different. Even races at the same event organizers.
Id highly recommend both events. They each test you in their own way. Each is well organised and as I'm starting to realize vitally are SAFE. Both are well marshaled so should you hit any issues help isn't too far away.
I will be competing in all of the remaining Back 2 Trenches and Nuclear events. If you want to try an OCR and the choice is overwhelming, you will not go wrong with either these races.
I guess after the last race you could call me a Nuclear Trencher ; ) SEE YOU AT THE START LINE!
I guess after the last race you could call me a Nuclear Trencher ; ) SEE YOU AT THE START LINE!
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