Wednesday, 16 March 2016

Just another Stomaversary??

So today is my stomaverary.  9 years ago today I was being admitted to hospital diagnosed with cancer only a few weeks before.

I under sell what this operation was as it sounds a bit dramatic calling it life saving...but I guess it was.  Having my Ostomy created meant removing the cancer and also the rest of my infected bowel so the risk of cancer returning were massively reduced.

As I am sure I have mentioned before for me dealing with having a stoma was alot harder then dealing with the fact I had cancer.  Weird right?!?

I guess this is because I was aware of what 'Cancer' was before I was diagnosed.  Cancer awareness is everywhere in mainstream society.  Most of us have an expectation of the treatment we would require and how it could/would effect our lives.  Ostomy awareness however, is not as main stream.  It why I started writting this blog in the first place.

Today is therefore a day of mixed emotions.  It isn't a day to be sad it should be a day to be celebrated.  However, today feels different to the other stomaversaries.  Every day for the last 9 years I have had to deal with my stoma.  A constant reminder of that day 9 years ago.  A constant reminder of  the 'what if's'

Today I feel a bit more emotional. (no shock for those that know me, I am a heart on their sleeve kinda guy)

Most days I just deal with it.  Over the last 9 years it has become a LOVE/HATE relationship.  

This year however has been a year of a bit more Love.  It has continued to push me as an individual.  It has allowed me to meet SO many cool (and weird) people.  Without that cross road in my life 9 years ago would I be the person I am today?

See  'What ifs'...mind f##ks right :)

Anyway like I said today feels different. I couldn't work out why.  Then as I began typing this blog I realized.  Its because this year 2015/16 my Ostomy has continued to give me so much but this year it has also given me the opportunity to give SO much back.

If it wasn't for my Ostomy I wouldn't be a patient advocate for Convatec.  I wouldn't be writing this blog.  I wouldn't be getting so many message from so many people claiming that my story inspires them to stay positive in their own journeys.

Or could it be that today's date is a cosmic one?

 spooky right!

Regardless of the reason today feels different my hope is:
On one of the most significant days of my life it will help to show others that may be at the beginning of their journey that things CAN and DO get better.

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