Thursday, 31 March 2016

The last date in a month that didn't feel like it was gonna end

So today is my anniversary of being given the cancer 'all clear'.

Im sure you agree a significant day in anyone's calendar. If your reading this then you know that this year, this month has been tough.  In fairness mostly work related pressures and stress

I'm not sure if it's because of this but today is another day of weird mixed emotions.
I am obviously thankful every day that while intense my journey/battle was quick. From diagnosis to operation to 'all clear' was only a few short months.

However, here also lies the challenge and I think the reason for the mixed emotions.
I want to add this isnt feeling im just having just this year (as I have said this before just I am unsure if it's been in a blog?)

I feel like I have 'cheated' cancer. I bet you just read that and thought WTF!?!?

What I mean is due to my 'lucky' diagnosis I did not have to deal with chemo or radio therapy.  I don't recall the specifics of when I was diagnosed. That day is full of disorganised flash backs that are hard to piece together. But I do recall after having my operation date I went to the hairdressers and had my head shaved.
A knee jerk reaction to a stereotypical assumption that because I had cancer I'd need chemo and loose my hear anyway.

For those of us that have had no experience with the Big C, we are almost conditioned to hear that word and visualise an image of someone in a hospital bed, grey with no hair surrounded by bleeping machines.  Well let me break that stereotype now. That is often far from the case!

I now know people that have undergone treatment or are undergoing it as we speak that are far from this stereotype!

Anyway...even after all these years being fitter, healthier and checked on a regular basis I still have that nagging feeling.

Did they miss something?
Has it laid dormant? 
Will it come back?
Has it come back?
On days where I have 'flare ups' these thoughts become louder.

So is a day I am eternally humbled for. That I needed no further treatment, that my real recovery could begin.

Then someone (sorry can't recall who so if you are reading this and it was you..thanks and sorry )

Why should I feel like I cheated cancer just because I didn't have chemo? Chemo has a treatment schedule. It has a start and a finish date. Hopefully resulting in terms same result. You are given the all clear.
Instead of chemo being my ostomy operation was. 

Except that rather than a 'course' start and end date. This cure would be with me forever. A daily reminder of that day.
That's not staying a stoma is better or worse or that people who have chemo treatment are more or less fortunate.  It's just an observation about how silly it is that I feel like I cheated cancer by not having these stereotypical treatments.

My stoma was my cure. It's because of it that I am able to celebrate this day. It's because of my stoma I am fitter stronger and happier than ever.

So today is a day to not only celebrate my all cancer 'all clear'.... but also to be grateful for my stoma.

This piece of me that I continue to have a Love Hate relationship with.  The good news is as the years tick by the relationship is more Love than hate.

Friday, 18 March 2016

Do not underestimate stress and anxiety

So...what a week.

I can honestly say I'm glad it's over!

It's been a week of EXTREME highs and lows. My stomaversary being mid week almost symbolised the hump of this roller coaster week.

Today was the lowest for some time. I was already stressed at work....I mean really stressed. Some small incident sent me into a downwards spiral of self pity, doubt and anxiety.

For those who have never experienced this type of emotional overload...I'll try and explain.

It's like your logical/sensible part of you, you know that little voice of reason, that voice that tells you to chill, stop being a feckin idiot...well he is locked away.  Instead our irrational emotions take control

You start to feel and think things that normally you wouldn't.  Overanalysing everything. Ever comment made or not made. Unfortunately always with a negative spin. So begins the vicious cycle.

When feeling like matter what someone tells don't believe it. It's like all logic is ignored.

Seriously you can almost hear your little rational voice trying to tell you to think, chill the fuck up your making things worse! But your irrational anxiety is just louder, drowning out all the filters that normally stop you going off the deep end!

It makes you do and say things to people, people that you care for, people you love that you normally wouldn't.  Seriously it's like you become a completely different person.  Even though people are trying to reassure you, you don't listen...even if what they are saying makes perfect sense.

Fortunately along my journey I've developed some tricks (where my love of Neuro Linguistic Programming  'NLP' began) to try and get me back to a level....sensible self. Today I just struggled a bit more than normal. Unfortunately it meant I was 'irrational' for longer than I should of been today.

I have no excuses for my actions today....for the way I reacted. In fact I'm a bit embarrassed by it. I hate getting emotional when I have no real reason.

Don't misunderstand me....I'm actually kinda proud that I'm not a completely heartless bastard. I'm a heart on my sleeve kinda guy. I mean cumon you've hopefully read some of my blogs. I call it as I see and feel it. 

However, what this means is that when I have a 'blip' it's usually a bad one. Today was.

Now my rational voice has taken over I feel like a complete goon! I almost take a step backwards worrying about how I'd felt earlier in the day.

I wish it didn't but I have had plenty of these days. Work stress was definately the trigger. Trouble is I seem to deflect in other areas to the cause of the stress.

Part of the battle is being aware....part of the trouble in being me is....I'm a softie. I care, I worry. I'm probably too nice?

Probably care more than I should about things that I shouldn't. So after I've had an episode I beat myself up on how I acted. How I may of upset people around me, those I care for. I'm also a worrier....Apparently I get that from my mum 😉 xx

But hey...noone is perfect....Let's say it's my one flaw 😂😂😂
*that's a joke btw

Wednesday, 16 March 2016

Just another Stomaversary??

So today is my stomaverary.  9 years ago today I was being admitted to hospital diagnosed with cancer only a few weeks before.

I under sell what this operation was as it sounds a bit dramatic calling it life saving...but I guess it was.  Having my Ostomy created meant removing the cancer and also the rest of my infected bowel so the risk of cancer returning were massively reduced.

As I am sure I have mentioned before for me dealing with having a stoma was alot harder then dealing with the fact I had cancer.  Weird right?!?

I guess this is because I was aware of what 'Cancer' was before I was diagnosed.  Cancer awareness is everywhere in mainstream society.  Most of us have an expectation of the treatment we would require and how it could/would effect our lives.  Ostomy awareness however, is not as main stream.  It why I started writting this blog in the first place.

Today is therefore a day of mixed emotions.  It isn't a day to be sad it should be a day to be celebrated.  However, today feels different to the other stomaversaries.  Every day for the last 9 years I have had to deal with my stoma.  A constant reminder of that day 9 years ago.  A constant reminder of  the 'what if's'

Today I feel a bit more emotional. (no shock for those that know me, I am a heart on their sleeve kinda guy)

Most days I just deal with it.  Over the last 9 years it has become a LOVE/HATE relationship.  

This year however has been a year of a bit more Love.  It has continued to push me as an individual.  It has allowed me to meet SO many cool (and weird) people.  Without that cross road in my life 9 years ago would I be the person I am today?

See  'What ifs'...mind f##ks right :)

Anyway like I said today feels different. I couldn't work out why.  Then as I began typing this blog I realized.  Its because this year 2015/16 my Ostomy has continued to give me so much but this year it has also given me the opportunity to give SO much back.

If it wasn't for my Ostomy I wouldn't be a patient advocate for Convatec.  I wouldn't be writing this blog.  I wouldn't be getting so many message from so many people claiming that my story inspires them to stay positive in their own journeys.

Or could it be that today's date is a cosmic one?

 spooky right!

Regardless of the reason today feels different my hope is:
On one of the most significant days of my life it will help to show others that may be at the beginning of their journey that things CAN and DO get better.

Saturday, 12 March 2016

A Facebook update I just needed to add as a blog post

Looking at my diary for next week. Just seeing what life holds in store...then it hits home it my stomaversary next week.

For me the MOST significant date in my life. More significant than when I was diagnosed with Cancer.

Next week it will be 9 years ago that my life changed forever.

Hard to explain to people that coming to terms with having cancer was infinitely easier than dealing with the changes this bag has made to my life.

Would I change it..HELL NO!

This insignificant appliance has changed my life in so many ways I can't even begin to explain. It continues to shape and change my life in ways I never thought possible.

Does it make how I am feeling right now any easier?
Overthinking is just what I do...who I am. My bag hasn't changed that.. it's probably just made it worse.

I'm not one to dwell in the past. To think about the 'what ifs'
But at this time of year.....Fuck me it's tough xx

Thursday, 10 March 2016

How one extra pebble stopped my journey

So let me start this blog by saying..I'm a fucking idiot.  Its rare I write these blogs when I am in a bad place.  Well....atm its not the greatest place to be.

I know it looks like I have my shit all sorted. My life on track, I know who I am and what I am doing...but not always.
Work stress has been mad, my health has not been the best, I am recovering from an injury.... life is just complicated.

I'm sure I've mentioned my Armour before...usually it's good. And I mean really good. I can take the daily hits and roll with the punches better than most.  I pretend to know who I am and where I'm going. 

BUT...even the best Armour has weak spots.

Let me try and put it another way....

We all carry a back pack. This back pack is full of life's everyday stresses & challenges. These manifest as a combination of rocks and stones. Most of the time we are able to carry this rucksack fairly comfortably.  We even have room for the odd daily unexpected ones. 

We become conditioned in everyday life to subconsciously either remove a pebble to squeeze a stone in or just not to bother carrying that pebble with us.  Life is constantly reshaping or re-prioritizing pebbles.

However, there are occasions where we just get handed way too and pebbles and even a giant rock that we need to carry.  

Our rucksacks become overloaded.  We struggle. The weight of the world literally on our shoulders.  Holding us back so we are unable to take a step forward.  In extreme cases this rucksack breaks...all the stones and pebbles come tumbling out and we have no idea where to start getting them back into our rucksack.  How to get back on track

Let me stop right here and say this is an unusual blog....normally I write these in one sitting. I read once, then publish.  It is rare that I will start writing a blog, stop and then come back to finish it off  few weeks later.  Well with this is one of those rare blogs.

My rucksack was overflowing.  The weight had become too much and I could not see a way to prioritize.  I began to make every pebble a boulder. I added pebbles that didn't even need to be there.  Pebbles that didn't even exist!

That was until a few weeks ago.  I basically reached a point where I said 'Fuck it!'  Life is too short for this.  I've been through too much to let this be the point I implode.  So I dumped my rucksack.  I threw all my toys out of my pram.  I prioritized everything.  
WHAT really is important in my life.  
WHO really is important in my life. 
I began to care less about what people thought of me and more about what I thought of myself.  I became who I wanted to be.  Not what the Armour had made me.

Ironically this 'Fuck it' moment was just what I needed.  My Armour is once again back, better than ever.  My unknown weak spot repaired (well I'm aware of it anyway)  My rucksack is back.  The boulders have become pebbles, some of the pebbles have been left behind.  I'm back moving forward, I know who I am, where I want to be and WHAT I want to be doing again.  Life is back on track.

Anyway...hopefully my random references to rucksacks, pebbles and stones are not too obscure and you kinda know what I am talking about?

Although, to be honest I hope you don't.  I'm assuming the people that will get this metaphor are those that struggle with their own rucksacks.  Have their own daily pebble challenges.

If you do then don't let your rucksack weigh you down.  You OWN it, you control what goes into it.  The pebbles do not control you. x