Friday, 27 June 2014

Back 2 Back 2 to The Trenches....again ;)

The more events I compete in the more they become addictive. I think now I have started they will continue to be a part of my life.

One of the other reason is every event pushes me, keeps me focused. Then certain events out of nowhere end up being special for very different reasons.

Once again Back 2 Trenches at the end of 2013 became one of those events. I walked back to my car for the first time with my stoma bag on show. A huge jump in my 'recovery' and confidence. 
So what this time?

Well first the event. Once again The Trenches team (who I am pleased to say I can now call friends) put on another great event. They may not have the biggest obstacles in the OCR scene, but again this is what I love about OCR. Each event has its place its uniqueness. I proudly call myself a Nuker, part of the Nuclear race's family but that doesn't mean I cant enjoy other races.

What Trenches do have in abundance is hills. Now when I say hills...I mean hills!!!
The trerrain at Trenches is unlike any of the events I have competed in. I lost count of how many times I ascended and descended!  By the end of the 12km (which according to some fellow comoetitors was a bit longer) the hills combined with the heat (man it was a nice day!) destroyed my calves, quads and hamstrings!!

My gopro video will be eddited shortly and will do a far better job at showing you the event than I can. But let me say this, if youve never run an OCR make sure Trenches is on your list ;)

So to my original point. I finished the evnt in just over 2 hour. I'm not fast but I dont compete against others or the clock. I compete against my own challenges ;)
In what seems to becoming the norm Trenches had supplied some outside showers to clean up the mud (that gets everywhere!)

Normally I avoid these but today....well I joined the que and initially intended to shower with my tshirt still on, just to wash the mud off my legs and face. As I waited I thought f##k it. It was hot, the showers looked cool. I took off my shirt in a que with what mustve been at least 50 other people, rolled down my supportive shorts and stood inline with my bag on show.

I could see people looking not wanting to stare but wondering what the hell that was on my stomach?? I chatted confidently with other people in the que. If it didnt bother me why should it bother them. I showered washed as much mud off as I could and once again walked past the ques and back to my car.

Trenches seems to be the event where big things happen. Last time I walked alone past a few dozen people to my car. This time I stood in a que, then showered infront of everyone with my bag out.
If last time was a step forward with all eyes facing forward this was a huge leap!

Oh, and I hope you agree a cool bit of original bling!!

Friday, 20 June 2014

Man vs Flu....well a sinus infection anyway ;)

So I haven't blogged for almost 2 weeks now!  This has been down to life becoming a bit hectic and man flu progressing into a full blown sinus infection.

Its not only my blogging that has suffered but i haven't trained in almost 2 weeks too!  My head feels like it is going to explode. if you haven't had a sinus infection before...WOW  OUCH!!!!

Drugs are the answer and the antibiotics are now starting to make me feel more human.  I am hoping they are going to work their magic quicker.  Sunday is my next OCR event Back to the Trenches.  This could be the first event that I have booked that I may have to withdraw from. 12km may be just too much.  my head still feels like its not connected to the rest of my body.

The good news is at least now my head doesn't hurt as much.

in a number of blogs I have always said we need to listen to our body, well i am kinda going to listen to my own advice.

after work today i am going to try a quick run (only a few km) to see how my body feels. Then as this isn't my first Trenches run I am aware the course splits and I may downgrade my run to the 6km course rather than 12km. I'm not too happy in doing this but I really want to run and soooo badly want my 3rd Trenches medal!

so wish me luck its make or break time!