Monday was my follow up Colonoscopy. Last time wasnt a great success, this time wasnt much better. My remaining colon is severly inflamed. The procedure was again very uncomfortable and this time required a sedation :(
Biopsies were taken (I think)so now its just a waiting game for the results. In addition I have been perscribed some pretty strong Steriods to aid with the healing process.
A few days in and no major side effects except some light headedness during this weeks training session. I am hoping this is a combination of a stressful week and still getting over the procedure and sedation. Guess time will tell as I'm on a fairly high dosage for a week before dropping 1 tablet a week for 6 weeks!
What remained of Monday and Tuesday were a real test. Ill be honest I think Tuesday I was still a bit drugged! The results I saw on screen were not good. It gave me far too many flashbacks of my original tests 7 years ago that ultimately started this journey.
People often remind me how strong I have been or how they wouldnt be able to cope as well as I have. Those who know me also know I'm not and I haven't. The last 7 years, hell even the last 12 months have had some serious downs. I try not to focus on them but Id be lieing if I said they didnt exist and when I started this blog I promised myself I would be honest, brutally honest if required.
So learned a new phrase which I can now totally realate to. 'SCANXIETY' - The anxiety that occurs while waiting for your scan results. So now starts the next phase...waiting
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