Weird how on my way to Be Loud event on the train my mind was wandering.
I had decided to take headphones and listen to some tunes as train journeys can be boring on ya own.
I had decided to take headphones and listen to some tunes as train journeys can be boring on ya own.
Listening to one of my favourite albums I found my spirts lifted. Music really can provoke an emotional response.
This then triggered a memory from my first year or so after operation during councelling. I wasnt suffering from panic attacks in the conventional sense but at times my coping mechanism and armours failed me. Roger my Mcmillan councellor had recomended having my ipod loaded with a few 'feel good' tunes. When I felt my armour being tested I could dissapear and listen to these one or two songs. I didnt know then but this has foundations in NLP neruo linguistical programming.
In simple terms memories are often triggered by sights sounds or smells. Memories of a beautiful summer can be triggered by the smell of cut grass. Your partners special perfume instictively makes you think of them.
Well it works. Load a song thats special to you. One that brings back a special memory of an occassion or a loved one. Next time you get overloaded just take 5 and listen to it.
My song is one special to me. The song of the first dance at my wedding with my wife. Even now I use this song to slow the world down, remember the important things and question is the reason why im overloading really going to effect the most important things in my life??
Love you baby xx
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