Friday, 22 November 2013

Discipline is the bridge between goals and success

How true. Been a tough week didnt get to gym much even though I had every good intention.

Gym session 6 o'clock Thursday. It was cold, dark and wet, and I was shattered!! I was inches away from cancelling. I dragged my sorry ass to the gym and sat in the car. By this stage it was nice and warm. I nearly just curled up in the drivers seat and slept ; )

Luckily or unluckily (wasnt sure at the time) I had a session with Phil. So now excuses on I went.

We have been working on my squats the last few sessions trying to work on my lazy gluts ; ) Today was deadlifts. Warm up felt good as did first set. Then we started adding weight. I was managing sets of 8 with 86kg (bar=36 +50kg weights) Thats almost damn it my body weight!!!

God it felt good! I think Phil could see as when we finished what was usually the last set he made me push out another set. I walked away with legs like jelly but head held high with pride.

It may not sound like much but this is a milestone Ive secretly had for a while. From what ive read this is a good sign you training is going well. I needed this buzz because next was pull ups : (

We used a tension band to assist but they are still a PIG!! Finished the session with barely enough energy to make it back to the car!

Not the most exciting story but I wanted to share it as the title of this blog is spot on. I have my goals, some I share, some are personal. These are my dreams my ambitions but regardless of what you want to achieve, dedication when the going is tough is the only way to succeed.

Never give up, realise your dreams.

Wednesday, 20 November 2013

2013 really is shaping up to be an awesome year!

Recent events have started making me pay attention to the concept of 'Karma'. Buddhists believe that whatever you do comes back to you, e.g. if you do something good, something good will happen to you, and vice versa. Simplified Good things always seem to happen to good people? A bit of a stretch I know, but recent events seem to suggest the existence of Karma.

As you should know the reason for starting this blog, apart from a strange type of theorapy for me, was to hopefully help others. Sharing the highs and lows of my life. I use the word help loosely as I not sure what a few words on a random blog can really do to help. Perhaps its more to give people hope, a light at the end of the tunnel. Guess Ill never really know if they do but so far responses have been very positive.

Anyway, since becoming involved with Beating Bowel Cancer charity and starting this blog things have really taken off. I have just submitted my first draft of a blog/review that will hopefully be used by one my appliance/stoma bag supplier. Im working on another couple for them and they have asked that one of them is a brief story and link to this blog. so hopefully some of my rambling may be of interest to other ostomists??

Ive been fortunate enough to have my story briefly highlighted in the local news. Beating Bowel Cancer assure me that this will raise awareness and this is half the battle. Im also awaiting confirmation but one of my pics is going to be used on the cover of their 2014 patient open day and a possible article in their 2014 patient magazine!!

Throughout Im being told by friends and people I've never really met that all these things are inspirational? Yes its 15mins of fame and of course its good for my ego. Whose EGO wouldn't like being told positive things. Well recent activities have been less about me and more about others. Im not asking for anything back. Im lovin my life at the moment and it does give me an enourmous sense of wellbeing It also forces me to keep up the madness, keep up the training as now I have others Id let down. Kinda like the sponsorship I received for Lactic. I had 810 reasons why I couldn't quit half way around. Why I had to finish the race ;)

This weekend we took my son as a family to Butlins to see the WWE Live tour. Jack is obsessed with the WWE. even as I type this blog he is sat at the table drawing a wrestling match with the biggest smile in his voice. Trust me he loves everything about the WWE. This weekend was a surprise. He knew we were going Butlins but it was halfway into the journey that we told him. One happy little boy to even see them Live.

When we checked in we were told that with merchandise purchased from the WWE shop their were 150 GOLDEN TICKETS, you know kinda like Willy Wonka ;). These tickets would admit the lucky winner to meet one of the WWE Superstars in person. It was also Daniel Bryan..Jacks favourite Superstar!

We didn't pay much attention as there were over 5000 people at the event this weekend. We got to our room then decided to go buy our t-shirts ready for Saturday night. Beat the queue. We went a little mad and bought a t-shirt each as well as a programme, spending a little more than we intended. As we walked away the vendor gave us a cheeky smile and mentioned a surprise. We opened the programme and a golden ticket fell out. Jack was going to meet his favourite WWE Superstar.

I think he was a little star struck but he didnt stop smiling the whole day :)

Maybe its just luck, maybe coincidence, maybe it is Karma? To be honest we will never know but I like to think Karma had a part to play ;)

This weekends has reminded me of one of the most important parts of my life, my family. They have been with me through the bad times and the worse times. This blog was started for all the reasons above to share the positives of life after Cancer, life with a stoma. Well they are my life and it doesnt get much better than this weekend. Another happy moment to add to an awesome 2013

Thursday, 14 November 2013

The average persons is confronted by an obstacle and turns away believing they cannot overcome....Apparently I'm not average ;) its been a few days since my last post. Probably the longest gap between posts. Dont worry ive not run out of things to talk about...actually totally the opposite!

Things have been a little hectic. Whilst trying to juggle work, family life, training Ive also been asked to write some guest blogs for my stoma supplier! Plus alot of activity for with beating bowel cancer charity. So many positives I almost cant believe it!!

That said I do feel a little lost as I now dont have an event to work towards. The next one isnt until March 2014!! But cumon, dont think ill be able to wait that long ; )
Infact as Ive been writting this seems like Im gonna sign up to Mud and Madness in February :)

Things are really starting to develop. I guess these blogs may be the reason why. In May I ran my first race and raised over £800 for beating bowel cancer. Well ive remained in touch with them. The messages from them have actually been really motivational. Well as you might of seen on facebook looks like one of my pictures from nuts challenge is going to be used for cover of their patients day leaflet. Hopefully in the next few days an article should be in the Thurrock Gazette telling my story and hopefully promoting awareness, promoting this blog and you never know, maybe raise a few donations ; )

More than I could've dreamed of. Im really honoured I have honestly never really thought of my story, my life over the last 6 years as inspirational! Still find it hard to say it ; )

Well I must be doing something right. In addition I may also have an article in their 2014 patient magazine. In a weird way its actually pushing me to train harder, keeping up with this blog and keep entering these OCR events.

Raising awareness is something incredibly important to me. I knew nothing about the symptoms of bowel cancer or what the hell a stoma was. Since day 1 I have tried to be open about everything. It was a coping mechanism.  A way for me to come to terms with everything. At the time I didn't know it but it was actually doing more than I realised. 

A good friend was also struck with bowel cancer shortly after me. His battle with cancer was tough. Unfortunatley he finnaly lost his battle with cancer a few years ago. It was only recently that I was told he admired me? The way I was coping?  If only he knew how he has inspired me.

If my story helps one person, educates someone about the symptons of bowel now how could that not be an inspiration for me to continue??

Anyway, im not sure where this journey is going to take me in 2014. All I do know is being told how my story can hopefully inspire others, help raise awareness, thats whats will continue to drag my arse out of bed. Thats what will get me to the gym when I just want to roll over and go back to sleep. That is what will continue to help me push boundaries. 2013 was all about doing things for me, my own sense of achievement. 2014 is going to be the year I hopefully start to give something back.

Tuesday, 5 November 2013

Feel good while ya running and even better when you finish

Well Lactic fallout is just another event in my 2013 calender. what an event it was!

I am still carrying a small niggle in my right leg left since the legendary Blackout cramp so at 10.30am I set off cautiously. Very quickly although Fallout was not the toughest race this year it definately tooks gold for the coldest and by far the muddiest.
The course was different from my previous Nuclear race events (rush and blackout).  My old friend the monkey bars were still there but im a seasoned pro at getting across these now so was happy to see them again;) The rest of the course took some new twists and turns but still felt like familiar ground.

The weather on the lead up to race day was wet...damn wet! This resulted in some of the thickest mud ive crawled through this year. After a few hundred people had finished climbing out of the ditches etc the banks became seriously slippery. Nuclear races do love their river crossings and watery ditches and Fallout didnt dissapoint ; ) The water was so cold that for a few minutes after you could barely feel your legs. Being this wet combined with the wind chill meant you really felt it to your bones.

During the lead up Nuclear races had posted some pictures of some new obstacles. One adversary I hadn't faced yet was the dreaded wall! A simple obstacle but think about the additional challenge this presented. Most people launch themselves up and drag themselves over the top on their stomachs. Not so easy with a stoma! As it turned out they had deployed 2 of these 8ft(ish) walls to traverse. With boots covered in mud and soaking wet this made these walls challenging.

I had been running with Simon Fowler. I met Simon at Blackout and we had struck up quite a friendship on facebook after the event. As we approached the first wall I looked at Simon and said 'Im not sure Im gonna make this obstacle' Every race so far I had never missed a single obstacle but as I approached the wall I feared this obstacle mayve been too much.. I owe Simon, he just looked at me and offered to give me a boost. Adding 'step on my shoulder if you need to'. With his help I found myself sitting on top of the first wall with some ease. God it felt good! Getting down wasnt as easy as you may think but returning to the muddy ground gave me a real sense of achievement. I stepped back around the obstacle and returned the favour to Simon (wearing the yellow top in the pic below)and a few other runners.

Thats what I really love about these events. everyone is there to have fun and if anyone struggles with an obstacle it isnt long until a helping hand is there to boost, pull or push you.

The first few miles dissapeared fairly quickly as did the obstacles but for some reason the last 3 seemed to go on forever! Its not until I actually review the pictures posted by others that I remember all of them. I really do need to invest in that waterproof head cam.
Xmas present hint ; )

We emerged from the forest to see the finish line and the final obstacle. A narrow crawl through mud that was incredibly snug. Seriously tight and muddy!!

These runs are starting to become easier. Guess that means ive got to think a bit madder for 2014? Well ive finalised my place in The Thunder Run...ill update you all soon. ; )
Overall another fun Nuclear race

Sunday, 3 November 2013

Lactic Fallout today is Fallout  The rain and wind will make the course a challenge.
Well short post as I need to get ready.
See you on the other side ; )