Ever look in the mirror and wonder who the person looking back at you is?
We all wear so many faces so many different hats. The responsible adult, the corporate professional, a role model, a parent....is there enough time for me?
I'm eternally grateful for everything in my life. I'm incredibly lucky to have so many opportunities. A chance to wear so many hats have so many unique and new experiences. The only down side is when things get tough/busy I forget who I am. Forget to make some time for me.
Isn't it ironic as on reflection no a matter what face I 'wear' the one constant is I am always me!
I have a good 'armour' I have shields to raise when things get tough and I need to portray a "positive" face. This armour is what allows me to keep going
Well sometimes days like today I look at myself and wonder WTF..what am I doing?.... is this it?
It's days like these when a I'm reminded of my brush with my mortality. I'm not being dramatic, I was fortunate, however for the flip of a coin my cancer may not of been found and dealt with so early. I may not of been here to have these experiences. I remember not thinking I'd make 30!
Life is complicated, complex. I'm starting to realise there is no point trying to make sense of it. Just roll with the punches, make the most of the good, the bad, the ugly....and the random!
Even though sometimes I wish life has a reset button..... what does not kill me, makes me stronger....right ;)