Thursday, 23 July 2015

Just another Ostomy challenge

As you know I have the priviledge of being a resident blogger for Securicare.

I'll be honest I still can't believe it myself! 

My friends family and various FB friends is one thing. But being paid for it??? Still feels a bit sureal.

Well here is the next one. An interesting topic...have a read ;)

Tuesday, 21 July 2015

Man in the mirror

Ever look in the mirror and wonder who the person looking back at you is?

We all wear so many faces so many different hats. The responsible adult, the corporate professional, a role model, a there enough time for me?
I'm eternally grateful for everything in my life. I'm incredibly lucky to have so many opportunities. A chance to wear so many hats have so many unique and new experiences. The only down side is when things get tough/busy I forget who I am. Forget to make some time for me.

Isn't it ironic as on reflection no a matter what face I 'wear' the one constant is I am always me!
I have a good 'armour' I have shields to raise when things get tough and I need to portray a "positive" face. This armour is what allows me to keep going

Well sometimes days like today I look at myself and wonder WTF..what am I doing?.... is this it?

It's days like these when a I'm reminded of my brush with my mortality. I'm not being dramatic, I was fortunate, however for the flip of a coin my cancer may not of been found and dealt with so early. I may not of been here to have these experiences. I remember not thinking I'd make 30!

Life is complicated, complex. I'm starting to realise there is no point trying to make sense of it. Just roll with the punches, make the most of the good, the bad, the ugly....and the random!

Even though sometimes I wish life has a reset button..... what does not kill me, makes me stronger....right ;)

Monday, 6 July 2015

A life less ordinary

So just when I start to worry that my blogs are becoming boring that I don't have much to write about anymore....... I have a week that just seemed to get better & better!

Started off badly. A shoulder injury that doesn't seem to be healing. It's still niggling after a month. One bad rep is all it took.

But enough negativity......

A friends was being interviewed on BBC Radio 5 Live...the producers asked for another few Ostomists to be on the show. I volunteered and was invited to call in :)

Wow what an experience!! If you didn't catch it here is the link below (scroll forward to time stamp in the link)

Listen to my friend Sarah. Now she

As if this wasn't enough I also received an email that my new Cycle at Work code had been approved. Meaning I was able to go pick up my new Specialized Sport Road bike!  This also means Im one step closer to my first Triathlon!!!

I have posted before you dont find the time to train, you make the time to train. Well with 2 people in our household trying to achieve this isnt always possible!  So I decided rather than buy a treadmill Id invest in a road bike that I can use a turbo trainer at home when I cant get out (or the British weather isnt great!)

Then just when things leveled off...I receive an email inviting me to a a 2nd stage Ninja Warrior UK audition!
Never heard of Ninja Warrior?  It's an ITV Saturday night prime time TV show! I know right! Check out the link
This guy SMASHED the course! I wish I was half the athlete he is!!

Ninja Warrior UK season 1 course

Could you imagine if I made the cut? I'd NEVER finish the course but could you imagine the opportunity to raise awareness for Bowel Cancer and Ostomists everywhere!

Someone who has faced cancer facing the Ninja Warrior course! The tag lines Al. Ostomy write themselves!

PLUS I have another opportunity to raise awareness. Question is am I going to fit it all in!!!!

Watch this space!!