Wednesday, 22 April 2015

A part of my story I almost forgot!!

Once again I find myself claiming I am sooooo busy I haven't posted a blog in ages!

 Well this time its the same excuse, except...this time I have written a number of blogs that have been accepted by Clinimed/securicare.

The most revent after I was invited to the 1st Get Your Belly out Ball. #GYBO is a charity raising awareness for Chrons and Colitus, forms of IBD.

If you wanna know more check out the blog

Anyway this made me realise I post so often about bowel cancer that Id forgotten it was an undiagnosed IBD Colitus that had progtessed to bowel time to rectify that ;)

I have refered to IBDs but what are they you say...glad you asked ;)

What are IBD's?
Chrons and Ulcerative Colitis are forms of IBDs. They both produce symptoms of urgent and frequent diarrhoea,  rectal bleeding, fatigue and anemia (due to blood loss) Malnutrition  and weight loss are very common. The pictures of me in my mid 20's at 9 stone confirm that ;)

IBD Key facts
It is estimated that one person in every 50 are affected by a IBD.  There are around 120,000 people with UC and 90,000 it Chrons in the UK. (Source NEW choices)
These are lifelong conditions and most commonly first present in the teens and twenties (25% present in adolescence; median age at diagnosis is 29.5 years).

There is no cure. Cause is likely to be multifactorial, a combination of genetic predisposition and an abnormal reaction of the immune system to intestinal bacteria, triggered by something in the environment

Over 50% of patients with Crohn’s Disease will undergo surgery (often resulting in an Ostomy) within 10 years of diagnosis.

There is an established link between IBD and an increased risk of developing colorectal cancer.

So there you go hopefully a bit of information on IBDs raising awareness of symptons. However most importantly it was an opportunity for me to reflect and share on another part of my story.