Thursday, 19 December 2013

Stay dedicated, its not going to happen overnight

Phil and I have been working together on my fitness for just over a year now and this week I reached a personal goal. 100kg deadlift sets. (thats 15.75 stone in old money)

Why is this a milestone? Well I only weight 86kg so this almost 20% over my bodyweight and deadlifts engage almost all your body. Posture is vital, your core is tested.

I remember my first few days in hospital immediately after my operation. I remember having to have physio. You wouldn't think that after an op to remove my bowel that id need physio, well neither did I. The trauma/incisions to my stomach meant I was taking short breaths. Protecting my wounds apparently. 

I didnt know at the time but would also later find out I had some nerve damage in my upper legs. Hypersensitivity. Something I still have to this day. That and recovering from an 8 hour operation meant I had no energy, no strength, even sitting up was a challenge!

Anyway, after a few days of recovery and blood transfusions, I remember being told I needed to be able to walk up 2 flights of stairs before I could go home. 2 flights, easy!! Hell no!! I was out of breath and in pain before I even reached the stairs.

I remember that night laying in bed and simply thinking enough is enough. I got out of bed and dragged my sorry arse around the ward, trying to build up some strength. It wasnt easy, I had to teach myself to breath properly again.

Ironic really as during my strength training over the last few months breathing has been key. Deep breaths before excursion keeps my core tight and technique solid.

Back then I struggled to make those stairs, now Im squating 70kg, deadlifting 100kg, running 10km obstacle races. Wow talk about opposite ends of the spectrum. Just confirms if you want something (and I mean really want something) with time, patience and persistance anything is possible.

Strong mind, strong body ; )

Monday, 9 December 2013


So I havent posted for a few weeks now. It isn't not that I dont have anything to say or that nothing has happened, its actually the opposite!

The last few weeks have been very busy. I have finished the blog for Clinimed, started drafting some new blogs about life with a stoma and training is going well, oh and of course trying to still have time for my family! Its the time of the year when personal time is at a premium.

The one thing that I am doing at the moment is Decembeard. It is kinda like Movember but with full facial hair :) It for bowel cancer awareness so having an itchy face (especially my neck!!) and looking a bit trampy is a small price to pay.e As you can see below..progressing nicely.

Bowel Cancer awareness is something something I am very passionate about. especially over the last few months and already activities planned to accelerate this in  2014 ;)

Bowel Cancer is the UK's 2nd biggest cancer killer and 4th most common form of cancer. One person ever 13 minutes is diagnosed with bowel cancer and it claimed almost 16,000 people last year.

Examples of some shocking statistics right?

All my friends and family gave so much but if anyone wants to my extended just giving page is below : )